Executive Producer’s Letter – April 2014

Well there’s a great deal of things announced with this Letter, far more than I think anyone expected. Not only do we get information on the new class, but we also get details of future content for this year and the next. I’ll list the important stuff below in bullet points, but be sure to check out the full article!


  • Update 14 will contain the Paths of The Dead and Dol Amroth, as well as a 5 level cap increase
  • Next we will recieve the Dead Marshes as an ‘in between updates’ release
  • Update 15 will contain the Gondorian city of Pelargir, featuring the battles against the Corsairs of Umbar(yaaaaaar!) and another 5 level cap increase
  • This content will all be free to VIPs
  • The new class will be the Beorning, a light armour caster class with the potential to transform into a bear
  • The Housing update referenced numerous times has been put on an indefinite hiatus
  • Kinships will get a social ‘crafting system’ encouraging co-operation
  • Combat will continue to be rebalanced
  • Siege mechanics will arrive in the Ettenmoors
  • Epic Battles will recieve more tweaking and fine-tuning, including a new Battle sometime this year
  • Hobnanigans will return!


  • Osgiliath!
  • Pelenn0r Fields and Minas Tirith!
  • More exclamation marks!!!

I’m sure there’s a ton of things to be thinking after this series of bombshells, so be sure to let us know what you think!

LOTRO 7th Year Anniversary Reward Details

The 7th year Anniversary for LOTRO approaches, and Turbine has released details showing the different kinds of rewards that will be given out to players. This follows a similar structure to previous years, with all players recieving fireworks, and Premium/VIP players will get stacking rewards depending on how long they’ve had their account. Below are the tiers listed in full, also be sure to check the link for an FAQ answering various questions regarding the bestowal of theser rewards.

All Players



1 Year

Accounts created on April 30th, 2013 or earlier

A New Adventurer

You will receive:

  1. A 1-year character portrait frame
  2. Anniversary Fireworks

2 Year

Accounts created on April 30th, 2012 or earlier

A Welcome Ally

You will receive:

  1. A 2-year character portrait frame
  2. 3x Tomes of Continuing Swiftness (60 min duration)
  3. 1 +5% Attack Damage (90 min)
  4. 10 Battle Potion of Restoration

3 Year

Accounts created on April 30th, 2011 or earlier

A Seasoned Player

You will receive:

  1. A 3-year character portrait frame
  2. 3 Loot box keys

4 Year

Accounts created on April 30th, 2010 or earlier

A Stalwart Adventurer

You will receive:

  1. A 4-year character portrait frame
  2. Azure Festival Clothing

5 Year

Accounts created on April 30th, 2009 or earlier

Amongst the first to brave the depths of Moria

You will receive:

  1. A 5-year character portrait frame
  2. Festive Azure Steed

6 Year

Accounts created on April 30th, 2008 or earlier

The first to answer the call to arms, you have roots in LOTRO
that run as deep as the mallorn trees of Lothlórien.

You will receive:

  1. A 6- year character portrait frame
  2. Festive Azure War-Steed Appearance Set

7 Year

Accounts created on June 30th, 2007 or earlier

Legends in their own time. Ancient forests and
men of old sing songs of your acts of valor.

You will receive:

  1. A 7- year character portrait frame
  2. A Shield-Cloak
  3. 1 Loot box Key

Your Monster Play character will receive:

  1. The “Dancing” Emote
  2. 5% Attack Damage x5

Edit: Someone was kind enough to send in screenshots of the new ‘Shield-Cloak’ for us to look at. The images are shown below, showing different angles and how the item dyes:

shield_cloak_back shield_Cloak_side_dyed shield_cloak_undyed

Let us know what you think!

Update 13 Bullroarer Release Notes(Part 4)

The fourth, and possibly final round of Bullroarer testing for Update 13 has arrived, with some more changes and fixes for you to peruse. As always I will note a few of the more interesting ones below:

  • (BR)Lootboxes rewards from metadeed completions will also come with an unbound key
    • additionally, item rewards from deed completions will go into your pending loot if your inventory is full, and do not count towards the maximum size
  • (BR)The XP reward from opening Hobbit Presents has been removed due to player feedback
  • The physical and tactical mitigation cap for Heavy Armour classes has been reduced from 70% to 60%
  • Package items can now be deleted without having to open them
  • Heritage runes now stack to 200.

Subject to change and all that jazz.

Update 13 Bullroarer Release Notes(Part 3)

The third round of Bullroarer testing for Update 13 has started, and with it has come yet another round of patch notes. There are a few notable changes, which I will list below:

  • The character model changes mentioned in P2 have been reverted, and new, more delicate adjustments have been made
  • Virtue stats have been given a boost to accomodate current stat levels and the recent mitigation changes
  • The Entwood is now accessible in the landscape, via the Eaves of Fangorn, Broadacres and Stonedeans
  • First Age Symbols now have a chance to drop from Epic Battle Platinum completions
  • More Swift Travel options have been added to the Trollshaws and Misty Mountains(Yay for Rivendell-Thorenhad!)

Note: Bullroarer, subject to change, blabbity blah.

MMO Reporter Update 13 Preview Video

Chris of LOTRO and MMO Reporter fame was kind enough to give us a fairly in depth preview of the content coming with Update 13, set for release on the 14th April, most notably being the addition of Ent play. He is also joined by the Exectuive Producer, Aaron (Rowan) Campbell and members of the development team.

Be sure to watch the whole video for all the juicy details, but I will also add a couple very interesting notes below for things to come:

  • Rowan will release another Producer’s Letter in mid-April, where he will, among other things, disclose the identity of the new class coming to LOTRO this year
  • With Volume 3 (finally) coming to an end with Update 13, Volume 4 is set to begin with Update 14, turning our attention towards Gondor.