Sabertooth, y u suck so much!?
I’ll be honest with you guys; I hate the Sabertooth. HATE it. If my hatred for the sabertooth were converted into a liquid, there would be enough to fill a large bathtub and two dozen beer mugs. That is how much this pet grinds my girdle.
But, alas, it is still a pet, so I must persevere and press into this edition of LOTRO Menagerie. For this one I shall explain exactly why I feel this particular pet would be worth more as a housing decoration than as a combat companion.
Statistically speaking, it’s bad. Real bad. The sabertooth comes out just above the Eagle on the scale of pet DPS, which given the Eagle’s vastly higher utility(and MUCH higher flank rate) is not good at all. And speaking of flanking, a rough estimate puts the sabertooth at the very bottom of the list(assuming it’s hitting a single target; more on that below).
On the subject of damage, it should be said that the Sabertooth does AOE. It’s autoattacks and all three of its skills do AOE damage of up to three targets. The autoattack part is interesting but not very practical. To get it to hit multiple targets you first need to get them group up tightly. Then, you need the sabertooth to be in the right position to hit all of them. In short it’s more trouble to get working properly than it’s worth. And as I said above, the damage output is so low as to make it irrelevant either way.
The first skill the sabertooth has is Frostbite. This ability does damage to the targets and hits with a -10% Frost Mitigation debuff that lasts one minute, with a two minute cooldown. Now from a player perspective this is pretty darn awful. The only skills that spring to mind that use Frost type is the LM’s Gust of Wind, which you won’t be using very often, and certainly not for the damage, and a few RK skills that don’t see frequent use either. While there is a small benefit in the fact that the Sabertooth does Frost damage as standard(being the only pet to not use Common), the increase is minuscule. Unless you know an RK that uses their Frost skills a lot, best keep it on autofire.
The second ability the pet learns is Fury of Winter. It does a small amount of damage, has a higher than normal Crit Magnitude and on a crit will flank the target, and also has a two minute cooldown. Now this sounds okay in theory, but in practice I found the pet crits with this so rarely that the flank isn’t worth considering, and definitely not something to count on. Leaving on autofire is advisable for the shot in a million chance of a flank.
The last skill the sabertooth learns is Throat Slash. This particular one is sort of connected to Fury of Winter, in that when it is used on a flanked opponent, it has a chance to open up a Fellowship Manoeuvre. I’m not certain as to what the chance is, as the tooltip does not state it. After playing around with it though, I find it fails more often than it succeeds, so take that as you will. If it works the stun can be useful I suppose, although again you have a bunch of stuns of your own, so the possibility of another one is not the most enthralling prospect.
The AOE aspect of the Sabertooth is really it’s only saving grace. The only pet more fragile than it is the Lynx, which makes it a horrible tank. The flank rate is atrocious and there are no additional abilities granted to it like the Raven and Lynx have. In short, there is no situation I can conceive of where this pet would preferable over any other. Just don’t use it.
I understand that some might heavily disagree with this article, and if you do please comment with your reasoning. I’d like to like this pet, but from where I’m sitting it’s simply all around terrible. Either way, thanks for reading, and in the next article we’ll be moving on to the Legendary Pets, first up being the Eagle.