Hello Friends!
Welcome to the fifth edition of LOTRO Poems.. Five awesome weeks of writing for you all has been a great experience. I didn’t think the poems would be read on the LOTRO Players News podcast as well but it’s been a hoot listening to Pineleaf read them all with passion. If I had some more musical editing skills, I would definitely make a compilation of all the poems with Pineleaf and Braxwolf. Who knows, maybe when I am really really bored, I would take on that project.
This week I have not been able to play any LOTRO. My computer broke, yep my computer broke. But everything happens for a reason and I am taking a much needed break from LOTRO game play. I have always thought of myself as a casual player and lately with the expansion of my kin, ‘Casual Raiders‘, I was playing the game too much and unable to spend much time on my other hobbies. But I hope to get a new computer soon and get back into the game. those golden Amroth tokens aren’t going to land in my inventory bag by themselves!
Carrying on with our tradition of one serious poem and one fun poem, this week I wanted to post a serious poem. But the problem was that I didn’t have another serious poem nor did anyone else sent me one. So what does one do in this situation? Maybe skip a week? Maybe break tradition and post a fun poem instead? Or if you have some serious obsessions with tradition like me, you write one. The title of this poem is ‘Estel’, and nope this time it has nothing to do with Estelali. It’s about Aragorn. Aragorns story is my favorite story from Lord of The Rings. Enjoy!
They called me Estel, when I was young,
It’s meaning is hope, in elvish tongue,
My mother and I were brought to Rivendel,
To hide from enemy, to live there and dwell,
I grew up learning the history and lore,
Of mighty elves, of Beleriand and more,
I fell in love with stories, I read The Lay of Leithian,
Stories of my elders, my kin, of Beren and Luthien,
I cried for children of Hurin,
Their trials and choices of Turin,
As I learned more about the Silmarils and powerful rings,
I often wondered about my place in grand scheme of things,
I learned about Elendil the tall,
And about Isildur, his rise and fall,
I learned about the corruption and weakness of men,
Because of men, the One Ring wasn’t destroyed then,
I was lost in my thoughts and mist, a vision of Tinuviel came,
I got up and ran after her, enchanted, calling her name,
Mesmerized, charmed, entranced, captivated by a spell,
She asked me why do I call her that, for she is Undomiel,
The evenstar of her people, Arwen, daughter of Elrond,
Our eyes met and we traveled through space, time and beyond,
Then reality dawned on me,
I was being too blind to see,
She was an Eldar, her stature was high,
I was a mortal man, doomed to die,
Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. Also there is more of that poem, you can check it out on my blog dgenxali.wordpress.com. Also you can follow me on twitter @dgenxali. If you want me to feature your poem, you can send it to me at legendraiderx@gmail.com. I would feature it along with your name, website and contact info.