LOTRO Poems #5

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the fifth edition of LOTRO Poems.. Five awesome weeks of writing for you all has been a great experience. I didn’t think the poems would be read on the LOTRO Players News podcast as well but it’s been a hoot listening to Pineleaf read them all with passion. If I had some more musical editing skills, I would definitely make a compilation of all the poems with Pineleaf and Braxwolf. Who knows, maybe when I am really really bored, I would take on that project.

This week I have not been able to play any LOTRO. My computer broke, yep my computer broke. But everything happens for a reason and I am taking a much needed break from LOTRO game play. I have always thought of myself as a casual player and lately with the expansion of my kin, ‘Casual Raiders‘, I was playing the game too much and unable to spend much time on my other hobbies. But I hope to get a new computer soon and get back into the game. those golden Amroth tokens aren’t going to land in my inventory bag by themselves!

Carrying on with our tradition of one serious poem and one fun poem, this week I wanted to post a serious poem. But the problem was that I didn’t have another serious poem nor did anyone else sent me one. So what does one do in this situation? Maybe skip a week? Maybe break tradition and post a fun poem instead? Or if you have some serious obsessions with tradition like me, you write one. The title of this poem is ‘Estel’, and nope this time it has nothing to do with Estelali. It’s about Aragorn. Aragorns story is my favorite story from Lord of The Rings. Enjoy!



They called me Estel, when I was young,

It’s meaning is hope, in elvish tongue,


My mother and I were brought to Rivendel,

To hide from enemy, to live there and dwell,


I grew up learning the history and lore,

Of mighty elves, of Beleriand and more,


I fell in love with stories, I read The Lay of Leithian,

Stories of my elders, my kin, of Beren and Luthien,


I cried for children of Hurin,

Their trials and choices of Turin,


As I learned more about the Silmarils and powerful rings,

I often wondered about my place in grand scheme of things,


I learned about Elendil the tall,

And about Isildur, his rise and fall,


I learned about the corruption and weakness of men,

Because of men, the One Ring wasn’t destroyed then,


I was lost in my thoughts and mist, a vision of Tinuviel came,

I got up and ran after her, enchanted, calling her name,


Mesmerized, charmed, entranced, captivated by a spell,

She asked me why do I call her that, for she is Undomiel,


The evenstar of her people, Arwen, daughter of Elrond,

Our eyes met and we traveled through space, time and beyond,


Then reality dawned on me,

I was being too blind to see,


She was an Eldar, her stature was high,

I was a mortal man, doomed to die,


Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. Also there is more of that poem, you can check it out on my blog dgenxali.wordpress.com. Also you can follow me on twitter @dgenxali. If you want me to feature your poem, you can send it to me at legendraiderx@gmail.com. I would feature it along with your name, website and contact info.

LOTRO Poems #4

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the fourth edition of LOTRO Poems!

This week was one busy week for me. This week I led some raids and also made kin rules for my kin on Brandywine. I am loving the new sockeded armour. Its a wonderful concept and I hope Turbine invests more time on it.

This week I wanted to continue the theme of one serious poem and one light fun poem. This poem is also written by yours truly, its called “Helms Deep”. It’s a sequel to my previous poem “Estelali”. It had been while since Estelali, during that time Turbine launched Helms Deep expansion. After I finished all the quests on my champion, Estelali, I thought about writing a sequel to his story. With that in mind I wrote this poem.

Helms Deep

Riding fast and riding swift I came,

On my War Steed, Firefly is his name,

Yep, my war steed is called Firefly and yes It’s a reference to the awesome tv show ‘Firefly’. I am a huge fan of the show. I’d give anything to fly in serenity.

Western Rohan, ah! the desolation and cries,

The free people divided, full of orcs and spies,

The set of quests in western Rohan were very unique. I really liked the story line, how men of Rohan were divided because of the inactiveness of King Theoden.

The King under a spell, corruption of Grima, he wasn’t leading,

Seeing all the death, division and desperation, my heart was bleeding,

My character is from Gondor, he is one of the dunedain of south, blood of Numenor flowing through his veins. He admired and loved the people of Rohan. When he saw all this corruption in land of Rohan, he was in grief and pain.

Then came the light in the shadow, the ray of hope, Gandalf the white,

The conquerer of death, the keeper of Vilya, a majestic sight,

The return of Gandalf, not Gandalf the grey, but Gandalf the white! Back from death, to complete his mission, with his full might and power and magic. He was what Saruman ought to be.

The King came out of darkness and held up his sword,

Heir of Eorl the young, Theoden, Rohan ‘s lord,

Eorl! I love that name. When I saw one of the reputation factions was called Eorlingas, I couldn’t wait to get kindred with them and get the title. The passage about Eolr the young showing up to save Gondor is one of my favorite passages.

I went through all the town’s to spread this news,

To gather people under one banner, to change their views,

Awesome storyline. Bravo Turbine!

We rode to Helms Deep, prepared it defences,

We cranked the catapults, the ballistics, built the fences,

Yes! Yes! Yes! Finaly I came to Helms Deep! I had not been to beta testing, so the reveal of Helms Deep was an amazing moment, when Estelali arrives at Helms Deep. It’s huge!!! I just wanted to put settings to Ultra High and just watch this beautiful keep.

And then they finally came, the army of Isengard,

Our numbers were weak, but we fought hard,

Epic Battle Helms Deep! I know Epic Battle system is controversial and some people don’t like it, but I love it! It’s a much needed break from regular raids and instances. My character is a captain and now in Epic Battles I get to play my role as a captain and give commands and strategise the battle. Love it! Keep them coming, Turbine!

We slew thousands, Legolas and Gimli were counting,

The orcs flew before Anduril, flame of the west , it was daunting,

Yep, sometimes I dropping names. I fought alongside Aragorn, Logolas and Gimli, have you?

But the orcs kept coming, they weren’t stopping,

Driven by the will of Saruman, they weren’t stopping,

Then came the dawn, and the white rider came,

With an army of Eorlingas, and a white flame,

From the movies, one of my favorite scenes is when Gandalf comes down on the orcs from the mountain.

The orcs fled before them, with fear and scorns,

The shephards of the forrest, the Ents and Huorns,

I just wanna tell y’all that it’s so darn difficult to find a rhyming word for Huorn -.-

The battle for Helms Deep was a victory, a win,

But The battle for Middle-Earth is just about to begin.

Yep it’s from the last scene of The Two Towers. Now starts our fight for the future of Middle-earth. Now is the time all free folks join forces and ride for Gondor. The enemy is preparing and so are we.

Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. If you want me to feature your poem, you can send it to me at legendraiderx@gmail.com. I would feature it along with your name, website and contact info.

LOTRO Poems #3

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the third edition of LOTRO Poems! Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and enjoying putting ‘Essences’ on your new slotted gear in LOTRO.

This week we will change gears again and switch back to a more serious poem I wrote. It’s titled ‘Forever Alone’ and it’s about our favourite villan in Lord of The Rings universe, Gollum. Gollum is a really interesting character and its evolution through early drafts of The Hobbit to the later revisions and character development in Lord of The Rings shows us how much Tolkien thought about this character. What started off as an honest creature who was wilfully going to give his precious ring to Bilbo after losing the riddle game and how Tolkien changed his nature and intentions in later version. Smeagol was really important to history of Middle-earth. Despite his flaws and short comings, we still love this villan and above all, we pity him.



Forever Alone

Alone on my own, in a dark cave,

Bound by My Precious, a worshiper, a slave,

A shadow, a wight, a wraith to be,

Remembering the past, my life is a memory,

Thinking of times gone, when I was free,

In the depths of a town with no tree,

Living in misery, I forgot my name,

Awaiting a savior who never came,

No friends here, no reason to live,

Lost in my ways, nothing to give,

But then one day, Bagginses came,

Stole My Precious, played a game,

Lied to us, we hates it,

Ran from us, we hates it,

Now My Precious is forever gone,

Alone I am, Alone on my own. 

Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. If you want me to feature your poem, you can send it to me at legendraiderx@gmail.com. I would feature it along with your name, website and contact info.

LOTRO Poems #2

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the second edition of LOTRO Poems. First of all I want to thank you all for the feedback and support. It’s a pleasure being part of this wonderful site and be among awesome bloggers and sub-creators like Lilikate, Braxwolf and Cithryth.

So the new update came out Monday and I am sure you all are enjoying Western Gondor as much as me. It looks amazing, it feels amazing, the combat music is so cool and also I don’t know for sure what it is about seeing my level as 100, but it just feels great, a century for Estelali!

So this week I thought to change things a bit, so instead of featuring a serious deep meaning poem, I wanted to feature a fun themed poem. It’s a very special poem for me and for LOTRO Players as well. It was the first poem I ever wrote about LOTRO and it was also the first poem read by Pineleaf on LOTRO Players News podcast. I urge you all to check out the 50th episode of LPN, which features many other gems along with this one.


The world was younger and days were bright,

long ago, long before the flight,

The inspiration of the first line is obviously drawn from Song of Durin from Lord of The Rings, which is a true master piece.

From Gondor to Ered-luin I came,

Not to seek any glory, nor any fame,

So many perils I faced,

Minions of Sauron I chased,

Met the hobbits, reached the shire,

Following no personal gain, no desire,

He lived a normal down to earth life in Gondor, with his wife and children, but when he received summons of Aragorn, son of Arathorn, he left his home and his family behind. It was time for him to step up, it was time for him to accept his destiny, his mission, his identity, the blood of Dunedain of south ran through his veins.

Stayed at Tom Bombadil’s house,

Found Goldberry too, his spouse,

Reaching prancing pony in bree,

Seeing dwarfs and hobbits and men free,

But i had to move on, I just couldnt dwell,

Through Lone-lands and Trollshaws and to Rivendell,

He tracked Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin to the Old Forest. He tried his best to guess who or what Tom Bombadil is, but in the end he just concluded “He is” and moved on. In Bree he truly understood what he was fighting for, what his journey really meant. Seeing the free folk of Middle-earth, drinking and singing and living their lives in peace, that’s what he was fighting for.

Met King Elrond and his sons and other elves,

His homely house, his library with many shelves,

Then far over the misty mountains cold,

Through Goblin Town, being ever so bold,

Moria was my next stop,

I dreaded the place but I couldn’t drop,

He was truly humbled meeting Elrond. This was Elrond, son of Earendil, son of Tuor and Idril, and Elwing, grand-daughter of Beren and Luthien. He told him about his mission and listened to his counsel.

The bridge of Khazad-dum told a sad story,

Gandalf fought the fight and fell with glory,

I came out in Lorien, my heart was lifted,

Negative thoughts went away, my thoughts shifted,

Lady Galadriel sent me away with many gifts,

Lembas bread and two swords and armour that fits,

The fall of Gandalf came as a shock to him. He was the one guiding the fellowship so far, uniting them all for one cause, the destruction of the One Ring, but now he was dead and he had almost lost hope when his sense of purpose was restored by Galadriel. If he was humbled meeting Elrond, he had no words to describe his meeting with Galadriel, the light of the two trees of Valinor still shined on her face.

Went to the great river, tired and worn,

Found traces of the nine, and a broken horn,

I was shaken, the fellowship was broken,

The hobbits were taken,

Follow the three or follow the two,

Thought to myself, what would Gandalf do?

The ruthless orcs had killed Boromir, son of Gondor, his captain and lord. The choices became hard for him and he found himself in need of counsel. But Gandalf was gone and he didn’t know what to do.

Crossed over to Rohan,

Saw the evil of Saruman,

The two towers united, jailor of Sauron,

Went to Forlaw, met Estel-Ali family,

And Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli,

Together we prepare to defend our keep,

Where hammer stroke will fall hardest, at Helm’s Deep.

He followed the company of three, tracing their steps to Helms Deep. Aragorn was glad to see him after this long time. Also more rangers and dunedain of the north joined them as well. The battle was coming and they prepared. The white wizard walked amongst them once more. He was also joined by his wife and eldest son. He will fight, he will fight for ruin, for world’s end, for all that he held dear on this good earth.

Hope you guys enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poems. Once again I will be waiting for your feedback in the comments section. Also you can submit your Tolkien inspired poems by sending them at legendraiderx@gmail.com, please do so. I will feature it along with you name and contact info, along with my interpretation.


LOTRO Poems #1

Hello Friends!

My name is Ali and I live in Italy. I have always been fascinated with poetry. The deeper meanings behind verses and the open to interpretation aspect have made me very much appreciative of it. Trying to figure out the poets state of mind, his hidden messages, his joys and his sorrows all summed up in rhyming words are a thing of beauty. You can take a single verse of some great poet and write pages explaining and expanding upon it. Its really a true art form. 
Many people know J.R.R.Tolkien as the author of Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit, which are high fantasy masterpieces, but not many of us know the professor as a poet. In my opinion Tolkien was a great poet. But most people often skip over the poems when they come across them in Tolkiens’ work. Tolkien was fascinated with poetry, he even started writing the whole story of Beren and Luthien in verses. Another personal favorite of mine is Errantry, in my entire life I have never read a more beautiful poem. 
So a couple of days ago this idea came to me to start this blog series,which will feature poems inspired by Tolkiens’ world, to create a place for creative writers who have the same passion for Tolkien as myself.
And to kick things off, the first poem I wanted to feature is my fan poem about our most beloved wizard from Middle-earth, Gandalf.
We all first met this mysterious wizard in The Hobbit where he led the company of 13 dwarfs and a hobbit on a journey across Middle-earth to The Lonely Mountain but his arrival, his purpose, his powers, his mission and stature and his true identity are later explored in detail in The Lord of The Rings and The Silmarillion. Out of all 5 messengers the Valar sent to Middle-earth, only Gandalf stayed true to his mission and succeeded in it. His humility, his grace, his humor and his care for the little folk make him a true inspiration and a true hero in the history of Middle-earth.


When all the hope was gone, he came,
Like a beacon of light,
In the shadow of night,
His mighty ancient sword aflame,  


His pointy hat and long beard,
Smoking his pipe weed,
Riding his white steed,
He is loved by all, not feared,  


His humility was exemplary and his grace,
A steward, a passenger,
A wizard, a messenger,
He wasn’t a man, nor of elvish race,  


He walked with mighty powers in west,
His mission was high,
When the end was nigh,
Fought the evil in Moria, he passed the test,  


Wandering the Middle-earth, from Ithilien to Bree
Telling his tales, with a pint of ale, 
From Ered-luin to Lonely Mountain, of Dale,
He cares for hobbits, elves, dwarves and men free,  


Now in the land of Aman, he walks once more,
In company of Nienna, Manwe and Varda,
Faded the power of Narya in Arda,
‘A far green country’, beyond the white shore.

Hope you guys enjoyed the very first LOTRO Poems. I will be waiting for your feedback in the comments section. Also you can submit your Tolkien inspired poems by sending them at legendraiderx@gmail.com