Good morning everyone! It is so wonderful to wake up to the rain with dark clouds and thunder, and pick up a cup of coffee and listen to the sparkles from the Fireplace. Then, I have all the excuses in the world to either draw, make music, write stories on, or actually playing Lotro. For me this is a perfect Sunday morning.
I’d thought I should show a handful of songs I have made through my time in The Shades, but then the melancholy truly overwhelmed me, so now I am sitting here and sniffle.
It’s so funny how strong memories I have regards to in-game events and my time as a role-player. There is many things I am genuinely proud of. It is one of those rare things I just cannot regret! Of course I could have done something more constructive than playing one game for six years I guess. But actually I don’t… I hear people say that they feel they’ve wasted enough time on games, so now it’s time to stop playing and do something else. For me it has not been waste of time. No.. If it wasn’t for Lotro I suppose I would not sit here today and still play music. I dare say I have found the best hobby in the world. Thanks to The Shades and the feedback I have received over the years, I have dared to go into scary terrain and publish my own songs under my own name. Not Achazia, but Gry. No need to use the Achazia-armour anymore.
Right now I am listening to “Fire inside” a song I wrote back in 2008. I cannot quite remember the story behind it, but I know I wrote it in conjunction with our third concert “Drums in the deep” that we held in The Forges inside Thorin’s Hall. I felt we needed extra songs, and this was added as a tribute to our concert and right before Mines of Moria expansion.
This is the song in ABC form:
I have no problems with being proud of my own songs, otherwise I would not have written them and played them. I also decided not being so humble and rather be proud of everything I’ve done these years. Why shouldn’t I?
This song was a favorite of The Shades, but I discovered that many others enjoyed it too. From a journey from 2008 to 2012 so many wondrous things happened to me musically. In 2012 I began to transform my Shades tunes to more audio friendly songs.
So here is the audio version. Yes, it is me that singing and doing the choir and my good friend Lotro Stellan from Sweden alias “Grimfhrid” from “Clan Stoutbeard” playing guitar.
Speaking of inspiration, you never know what’s going on Youtube. Suddenly I found this song. (Daughter of “Joylil” from “Riders of Riddermark”)
It is when I find such videos that I know for sure that my time has not been wasted. To inspire someone is really worth everything.
Welcome to Achazia’s blog. This blog will be aimed for the music interested players In Lotro. But also people that are interested to know about the process of writing their own pieces of music. Hopefully my blogs will perhaps inspire, but I also hope that some find joy by listening to what I do aswell.
So here is a small introduction of me: My name is Achazia and have played Lotro for soon seven years. I started a band in 2007 called “The Shades” right after the update nine “shores of Evendim”. In this update, the multi-sync music functionality were introduced and we decided to form a band. We focused from the beginning on the multi instrument’s parts and owncomposed music. Nearly all the original members are still playing in “The Shades”, I do believe is the fact they still love the music system and in that way helps the band to be fairly active. Regards to the music I have transcribed songs from Midi to ASCII code in text file, even before there existed some proper transcriber programs. I have no idea how many hours I have used on transcribing and I do not dare to even think about countless hours I used to this purpose. I started to compose my own songs nearly at the same time as I started to play Lotro. I finally found a place I could show my songs, without being afraid of being judged. Noone knew me, only my avatar, so i found great comfort in that. There has been a great road from 2007 until now. We have played on numerous concert, so much music have been made. We have been in, several podcasts and have been invited on several events. It has been a little surrealistic because I slowly realized my music also started to live its own life outside Lotro aswell.
What is new. is that during all this year, I finally found encouragement enough to make Audiversion of my songs. It has also been a interesting road. I found confident enough to show my friends and family the songs. Some people have actually asked me to make music for their projects, and some of my songs will even be heard in TSW- Secret World (Funcom’s MMO in next update of the winning entries ..) So yes, there are many things that happening to a very shy hobbymusican as me.
So what should you do if you wanna try the same as me in Lotro? I know there is not for everyone to sit down and play a piece of music right from their head. It requires equipments like a midi keyboard and music software to do that, plus a good share of interest. This blog is more aimed towards those who actually pondering about trying writing aimed for this game. To start in this game is actually a very clever way to start. The reason is it gives immediately result, people do get impressed when they hear original music, and they do not require much. Original music is still very rare in this game, and people very fast get fascinated when they hear someone that has done some efforts with the songs. I do believe it has do with the enviroment we are in and that many roleplays. People like to surround themselfes with parts of the game with absolutely no references to real world, and many likes the fact that someone do a effort with the musicprocess, from original songs in midi transcribed into ABC. To start in Lotro gives you the feedback you need, and it truly motivates. This is exactly what you need if you want to develop a hobby. (I have been there.) Besides the music system is quite simple, it is not so much you can do with range of octaves and mixing, so simplicity might be all you need for a start. No masterpieces is required.
It is very easy to think: ‘I don’t have the talent’, then I would disagree. Music is one of the most important fundamentals in our lives. I believe everyone has a part in themselves that they haven’t developed at all. To do music it not so much about talent, is about being able to direct emotions, expressions and transform it into music. I believe everyone sometime got this melody-line popping up in their head sometimes and think: ‘hmm, I never heard it before. Where does it come from?’ Music sometimes gets shaped when you truly feel inspired and creative, or perhaps very happy or very sad. So the key is to seek to places, people, books, music you really like and sit down afterwards and try to shape something music wise. When you get all this inputs, you slowly get into a creative state, and is easier to sit down and write and play.
So what to do then? Well if you never have touched a keyboard or an instrument before. Is never too late! I really would recommend everyone to try to learn an instrument. It would be wise to do tutorials if you cannot afford classes. Just use google, and you will be amazed what you can find.
I have a friend in Lotro that never touched an instrument in his life, but after beeing encouraged. He now writes his own music and he tells me he has found a new hobby. “The Shades” (my Lotro band) uses his songs in all our concerts.
Is nothing wrong to create ABC’s from other artist’s songs, not at all. I do like it if I hear a very good transcribed song of a good artist. Transcribing ABC from midi from an existing artist is an art too. But i do find it harder to make justice to a good song from another artists into the instruments and music system that is in Lotro, so I rather bash my own songs. People have different references to do music, and many do it differently. So all in all, what people do is in my eyes equal. I am merely explaining what I do, and encourage others that would like to try. Because yes.., I love to hear brand new music and originals. It motivate me, and I love to get to know likeminded people. Nothing inspire me more than meet soulmates!
Further in my blogs I will explain the process when I do my songs and how I get the ideas. I love Lord of the rings and Tolkien work, nearly all my songs are from the books or the game. So I might also write the background on them further on.
This song I will show is a song my friend Eovina hummed to me (that is a good friend of mine), and I made a song of it. It is called Wilwarin (Butterfly in Sindarin) as you see I taped it around elven lands. Rivendell, Falathlorn and LothLorien. The background is simple, her elven lady fell in love with a elven male: So Wilwarin is a dedication to him.
I make the background a little short for now.
PS: as English is not my first languae, apologize for any grammar/setence flaws.