Another issue in my crazy videos called Machinimas.
Another issue in my crazy videos called Machinimas.
While Turbine is having some personal issues at the moment I decided my other article is inappropriate at this time so here is a Middle-Earth haiku:
War rages across
Burning fire in the east
The lily still grows
As I read this over I realize there is a life lesson is this. What you can take from this poem in the real world is that while the battles of life may strive on, so does beauty, peace, and rebirth.
Ever wonder what your favorite NPC’s are thinking? Well wonder no longer. After long weeks of an annoying invisible glitch, a few football games, and the what not I have finally finished it. Though not very good it is still better then my first machinima by far. So sit back, relax, and enjoy What LOTRO NPC’s Are Thinking.
My inspiration to make this for LOTRO. Even though I don’t play WOW, wowcrendor is awesome. After my maybe 5th time seeing this I thought to myself “Why can’t LOTRO have stuff like this on Youtube?” You can guess the rest.
Scuto Dragonslayer
Well since I can’t really post anything do to this invisible glitch I decided to post my secrets on controling that frustrating skirm solider we all know and love as the Warrior! I did this video with my guardian but this method will nearly work perfect with just about any class. Just be a bit wary on the hunter. Again I apologize for anything odd and crazy I say. I do take this game serious just when my mind wanders so does my mouth. Also if you already use this method with your warrior I take my hat off to you.
Best of luck to you with this method,
Scuto Dragonslayer
Ah those relic quests. You all remember those days on your main, getting lost, falling, and looking on Youtube for a playthrough on those quests. Well look no further! I bravely decided to venture into Lumul-nar and bring back this footage on moving those mirrors. By the way before you watch this if you are just stuck on the last part of those mirrors then skip to 25:20, and I apologize for anything I say that rubs you the wrong way. I hardly even know what I am saying half the time in my playthroughs.
My you all never look an orc in the mouth,
Scuto Dragonslayer