Today on Facebook and Twitter Turbine announced the Closed BETA for Helm’s Deep.
“The Final piece of our image is revealed!
Now for a little info: The Helm’s Deep Beta officially kicks off tomorrow. Invites have already been sent, so make sure you check your spam filters. Also, if you have been invited remember the first rule of beta is; You do not talk about Beta! (Not even to say you’re in beta)”
This is exciting news! Usually the closed BETA for LOTRO starts about 2 months before the planned release. For example with Riders of Rohan, the BETA started around July 13th and the game was to release on Sept. 5th but was pushed back to October 15th. Interestingly, the original release date for Rohan is the same day as the start of the BETA this year.
If we are about two months out from Helm’s Deep, that would put the expansion’s release around the same time as Mines of Moria, which launched on November 18th. Do you think Turbine is having a later release than the last two expansions because they need more time or are they looking to create nostalgia by comparing Helm’s Deep to one of their biggest expansions? My guess is that we will see a combination of both similar to how they were comparing Rohan to Moria last year.
Also a reminder not to mention the BETA to anyone including your dog, cat or War-steed! Blindfold your steed if you have to! Don’t have a blindfold? Find a Lothlórien elf as I am sure they will be glad to provide one for you and your steed!
Finally, last year Turbine did give away BETA keys on Twitter, Facebook and various media outlets. If you are really wanting to get in, that could be a possibility. Best of luck to all!
Hopefully this will start to stir up some excitement from the general playerbase. Outside of news and new media sites talking about HD, the players really aren’t; as far as I can tell.
Turbine is seemingly having trouble finding that sweet spot in between too much information – leading to over hype and let downs, and too little information – leading to a perceived lack of excitement for the expac.
We haven’t even gotten a teaser trailer yet. I think it is more an issue of people thinking that Turbine is on a Riders of Rohan and Rise of Isengard release schedule but they are not. They are on a Moria, Mirkwook release schedule. We haven’t heard anything yet because they are not ready to start hyping us. If pre-orders were out, then we would have a problem but I think Turbine is simply taking their time and will likely still over-hype us, just not yet.
I hope the actual release is not for a while yet, both so they can be sure to hammer out any kinks and make it the best it can be.
And I need to get my series finished beforehand, so I will have time to venture into the new lands!
Andang I think you’re right on the nail with that!