LOTRO Players News Episode 572: Free Balrog Mounts

This week we discussed the final Bullroarer build for Update 41, what we know about the next expansion, and our week in gaming.

Game News

Final Update 41 Bullroarer Release Notes

Update 41 scheduled for next week

The next expansion (Update 42) will be called The Legacy of Morgoth


Store Sales

Forge Your Own Ring! Get 25% off:

  • Crafting Guild Access
  • Ingredient Packs
  • Crafting Accelerators
  • Rapid Craft, Crafting Tiers, and Recipe Books
  • Now through August 1st!


Weekly Coupon

  • Free Scroll of Finesse (6 Hours)
  • Coupon Code: WITHGRACE
  • Now through August 1st!​


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Week In Gaming



  • World Wide Warg reappears after server glitch, consumes several packets of Hoarhallow Hobbits to recover.  The Captain continues his slow crawl through Umbar.
  • Some Enshrouded.
  • No Man’s Sky again – playing with friends now, nice to start the game having already played and accumulated wealth!!!



  • For the Field Trip, we finished questing in Mirkwood and started gathering rangers
  • In Minecraft, I managed to conquer a trial chamber
  • More Balatro


News Beyond LOTRO



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Featured Comments



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Final Thoughts

The Players Alliance LIVE Shows

Record Day/Time Varies  – DDO Players News  – 

Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News


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