What would you like to see with the Mordor expansion?
What Would You Like With Mordor?

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I would like some water. It looks very dry there.
If we’re to spend a lot of time in Mordor, I hope they can find a way not to make it a barren depressing wasteland like Angmar was. Perhaps by jumping forwards some years, and having the place start to recover from Sauron’s influence maybe? Some kind of time-lapse where you could see things start to change might be neat.
Apart from that, I quite fancy a Mumakil pet or mount.
The biggest thing of course is to do justice to the end of the book, not only around Mount Doom, but with the return of the king to Gondor, and the events in the Shire. I hope those things don’t become an afterthought to whatever they’re doing inside Mordor.
I’d also love to see Chance Thomas back. The conclusion of the books deserves a great soundtrack, and that can make all the difference to how epic and moving it feels..
The area around Nurn seems ripe for a “liberation”-style story which could be very cool.