One thought on “Poll: What Score Do You Give Update 16?”

  1. C because there was many bad things,
    1. There was no vendor and and travel in Osgiliath culverts, Now it was improved, but there should be also milestone. No reason to make players to travel there through city every time they want to do dailies. Such mistakes shouldnt get into release version.

    2. Lady Vanalyos instance is one of most terrible and boring instances ever in Lotro. Maybe even in the whole MMO RPG genre

    3. We lost lot of item XP due to huge mistake in applying xp to legacies (was divided amont all legacies, even those maxed).

    4. No stable in Imloth Melui

    But in comparision with Central Gondor (which I would rate E) it is still improvement. Positive things that caused East Gondor not to be E.

    1. Finally legendary weapons are legendary. Imbueing is huge step forword. Sadly it was made very late.

    2. Lossarnach and Ithilien are very nice. It is very sad that we have that dawnless day… They would look much better.

    3. No insane reputation grind!

    4. Mumakils which are interestiing kind of enemy.

    Neutral things
    Instances. Good that we have them but there is no point to make them T1 cause rewards suck. T2, I do not care, my 100’s are not geared for that kind of content cause some stats needed there are useless in more then 90 prc of game content, So dont do these instances at all

    Questlines are still rather dull… And running so long in Pelargir is terrible, When new region comes players like to go there and not spend 1-2 hours running in old places. At least some rewards for quests are much better then in Central Gondor

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