Free Sample Of The Week April 24th – 30th
+5% Attack Damage (90 min) x1 Use Coupon Code HYNM9 1/Account
Ingredient Packs
Drac Says – No.. never ever buy these EVER
Crafting Guild Access
Drac Says – For the F2P/Premium that want to join your crafting guild
Craft Experience Boosts
Drac Says – Helps the grind but
Rapid Crafting Boosts
Drac Says – Helps the grind but
Complete Crafting Tiers
Drac says – If you REALLY want skip the grind of a tier
Recipe Books
Drac Says – Torn on these, most of not all can found on the AH
2 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales 04/24/15 – 04/30/15”
Poor sale and an even poorer free gift…really TURBINE…you are celebrating your birthday… be generous with those that may be reciprocal with their gifts!
Today Turbine released the first build of Update 17.2 on the Bullroarer test server. The update includes a variety of quality of life changes including a new emote collection panel,
Poor sale and an even poorer free gift…really TURBINE…you are celebrating your birthday… be generous with those that may be reciprocal with their gifts!
You party pooped your own party!
EDIT: NOT TURBINES bday of course…LOTRO’s… Oops!