New roving threats are coming to LOTRO with Update 15.2. These new threats will be in 5 zones: Central Gondor, Western Gondor, Angmar, Forochel and the Misty Mountains. Completing the threat quests will give you tokens you can exchange for various items including first age legendary items.
As you can tell from the video, I don’t know why they are adding level 100s in zones designed for half their level but they do offer first agers and give players something to do while they wait for Update 16 later this year.
I agree that its a gimmick, but at the same time, the winter update for the past 4 years has always revamped some aspect of low lvl areas.
Also, you forgot that the new treasure chest deeds in low lvl areas are getting added as well.
Feb 2014: revamp Misty, Trollshaws, North Downs.
Dec 2012: revamp Moria
March 2012: Great River & instance finder update
April 2011: epic story revamp to solo and evendim revamp
I am fine with all that stuff because it is around that level. What is weird is adding level 100 content in low level places.
Its hardly the same thing – adding level 100 roving threats in lower level regions doesn’t not equate to revamping quest zones. How, in your view, was the Great River release a lower level area? At the time it was capped level content, and rather falls into the Enedwaith/Wildermore/Entwood category than anywhere else.
As for the roving threats themselves, I’ve not checked out their locations, so I don’t know if they will prove problematic to lower players, but if they are relatively out of the way, I don’t mind the roving threats, as they provide an excuse for capped characters to go back to some of excellent regions of Eriador.
The instance finder revamp of great river was the huge revamp affecting low lvl zones. Even though it failed, the idea was to queue for groups that you wanted with the benefit of mark bonuses for using the instance finder in random mode.
When turbine got rid of mark bonus completely from using the instance finder queues, the primary reason to use it disappeared as well.
So after poorest questing content (Central Gondor) drowned in megastupid rep grind (4 factions in one region with a few quests, first time I resigned from kindreding my main), we now got poorest ever group endgame content. IMO would be better if they rescaled and remade rewards in some old instances.
I am afraid what will be in Osgiliath and Minas Tirith, These places and content there should be jewell in the crown of Lotro, but I doubt they will be even average.
Game is reaching climax of the story, alas, at least 2 years to late. Turbine still tries to do all types of content with their decimated team, but fails in all.
I wrote it already when I saw Western Gondor, I can wait much longer for updates if they keep quality of old releases. Alas, Turbine still makes many updates, but they are so much poorer then in the past.
Sad cause I dont no other game which such atmosphere…
Sad cause I dont !KNOW! other game which such atmosphere…
(Andang, please if you can edit my post fix that mistype and delete that second post, thank you
I see the roving threats as the next evolution hybridized Bounty/Rare Elites, as they are bounty quests with the constant spawning (non map-tracked) of rare elites.
Story-wise, I’ assume they can make it fit with the same rationale of a rare elite wandering the lands. They might have spawned during the times when Sauron had a mightier will, but they have since taken on their own being and mythos – something the locals have heard stories about (and possibly even sighted, if they dare leave their huts at night).
The external and essential nature of grind in an MMO then takes over, aaaaand they respawn constantly (a dark fable reborn!), or something like that.
Finally, it might not have been their intention, but putting them in lower-leveled areas (or at least pre-Rohan) also makes it so you can’t cheese it more easily on warsteed (which adds additional mobility and rapid heals of WS blue line), of which might possibly otherwise allow some players to solo some of these million+ morale pool foes.
Great preview – nice work!