LOTRO Players News Episode 593: Cristermas

LOTRO Players News Episode 593: Cristermas post thumbnail image

This week we read the letter from Orion and all the Yuletide wish lists we received (and our own) and discussed our week in gaming.

Game News

A Letter from Orion (December 2024)

Next week’s downtime will be on Tuesday (December 24)

The following week’s downtime will be on Thursday (January 2)

The next Cord of the Rings will be on January 10 (probably with Sev)

Store Sales

The Whimsical Patron’s Coffer is back for a limited time!

Double Bonus Points is back!

  • Get twice the Bonus Points in the LOTRO Store through January 2nd!

December Deals continue with special sales every week!

  • Now through December 26th, get:
  • 75% off Skill and Slayer Deed Boosts
  • 50% off Emotes
  • 35% off Ingredient Crates

Go There and Back Again! Get 30% off:

  • Milestone Skills
  • Hurried Traveller and Returning Traveller
  • Advanced Riding Traits
  • Rally Horns
  • Now through December 26th!

Weekly Coupon

  • Free Black Steel Key x5
  • Coupon Code: KEYSPLZ
  • Now through December 26th!​

LOTRO Players News

And now it’s time for our wishlist read a-loud: 

Crister would like:

  1. Current level bridles
  2. Raid that requires trampling to win
  3. Dragon mount with a tail full of sidewinder missiles

Cyndars would like:

  1. Shire-plum dye for warsteed cosmetics
  2. A crafting recipe book (or carry-all) that will store all the extra copies of single use recipes.
  3. And all dwarf candles to be baubles.

Pineleaf would like:

  1. A 64-bit server that isn’t infested with wraiths
  2. More fireworks as baubles (preferably with proper labels)
  3. A Dispel Lag spell
  4. A local theater that is showing War of the Rohirrim
    1. War of the Oinkhirrim Trailer

Fin and Dewboyo also sent in their wishlists which you will hear about in the feedback/email section coming up in a few minutes.

(Insert name here)’s pick of the week: 

New Player Question

Week In Gaming


  • Fun fun fun!
  • Path of Exile 2
  • Hell Divers 2


  • Played with the Academy folks on Arkenstone, and learned my poor burglar could not leave the Mines of Moria without assistance. No rep or other ports were available. 
  • Glitched out Dome of Stars during Friday Night Fights on the first boss, so we all ended up locked out after dying and it wouldn’t reset because my loremaster was in combat.
  • Have moved on to the 3rd location in the new area with Pineleaf and have learned about a new, sloshier, very lethal goo… 


  • My mariner quested in Iridir.
  • My warden continued in The Song of Waves and Wind.
  • Tried out a game called Dawnmaker.

News Beyond LOTRO

We currently have 10 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, Simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon. Your money is used for our podcast hosting, website hosting, and paying for our live shows.

If you wish to support us without joining Patreon, just send Drac an email drac@lotroplayers.com


Featured Comments


Holiday Responses:

Fin on Landroval

I would wish for the Minstrel to be the top healer in the game like it used to be.  I love the DPS that my Mini does now, but I made him all those years ago to be a healer. Also I would wish for peace on earth and good will towards all!  Thanks, as always for the work you all do for the show and keeping us entertained all these years! 


DewBoyo on Evernight.

Salutations and Seasons Greetings to you one and all.

So many things I would like for yuletide but I will limit my list to 3 things as even though I have been a good boy I can’t say I have been a VERY good boy….

01  Inventory/vault space!  Thank you Standing Stones for a new coffer, and the Rohirrim outfit is nice, but how about some space so I can keep the items!

02  A Random button.  I would love to click a button and get a random mount, or a button for a pet, or even an emote.  Random baby, surprise me!

03  Time, so much content and so little time to play.  I keep hoping somebody will pay me to play but nope, so off to work I go when I could be in Middle Earth doing important stuff!

~sigh~  I would be happy with any one of the above.  Players Alliance, MAKE IT HAPPEN 🙂

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

DewBoyo on Evernight.

Contact Us

Email us!


Final Thoughts

The Players Alliance LIVE Shows

Record Day/Time Varies  – DDO Players News  – 

Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News

Join us for our live shows at lotroplayers.com/live

LOTRO Player’s News Podcast can now be found on Amazon Music and Audible

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