LOTRO Players News Episode 575: Vile Bile by Eerie Apothecary

This week we discussed update 41.1, Lore-master red line changes, and our week in gaming.

Game News

Update 41.1 Release Notes

The 11th Legendary Rewards Track is now active

Farmers Fair Guide for 2024

Legendary Items on Angmar and Mordor

Update 41.2 Bullroarer #1 Release Notes (release due in last week of August)

Store Sales

The Middle-earth Venturing Pack is available for a limited time!

V.I.P. Sale – Very Important Pack Sale!

  • 20% off all carry-alls for VIPS ONLY, so your stuff can be stuffed!
  • Now through August 22nd!

Store, Carry, and Share! Get 25% off:

  • Vault Storage and Shared Storage
  • Inventory Slots
  • Now through August 22nd!

Weekly Coupon

  • Free Rejuvenation Potion x5
  • Coupon Code: HOWREFRESHING
  • Now through August 22nd!​

LOTRO Players News

Lore-master Red Line

Week In Gaming


  • Joined forces with Patrick Swayze to raid Natalie Portman’s yacht in search of Corudan.
  • No Man’s Sky – why can’t I make money like this in real life!
  • The death of a monitor – arrogant braggart is reduced from three monitors to one – bah humbug!


  • Rolled three new characters (one on Angmar, and two on Landroval)


  • My Lore-master ran skirmishes and joined FNF for a picnic
  • My Angmar warden reached level 10 and met a wraith
  • My low-level Lore-master quested in the East Wall


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If you wish to support us without joining Patreon, just send Drac an email drac@lotroplayers.com


This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support! This helps out a lot so drop us a review on your favorite Podcast App of choice!  If you leave us a review, let us know! 


This week we did not receive any emails. 

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Final Thoughts

The Players Alliance LIVE Shows

Record Day/Time Varies  – DDO Players News  – 

Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News

Join us for our live shows at lotroplayers.com/live

LOTRO Player’s News Podcast can now be found on Amazon Music and Audible

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