LOTRO Players News Episode 574: The Pain Just Fuels Me

This week we discussed blue line Lore-Master changes and our week in gaming.

Game News

The start of the Legendary servers has been mostly successful, but there have been a few glitches related to the 64-bit tech

The first run of the Hard Tack event was successful enough

On Wednesday, they are planning to release Update 41.1 to fix issues related to Update 41

The 11th Legendary Reward Track will start next Wednesday after the servers reopen


Store Sales

This is your final weekend to get the Mirkwood Patron’s Coffer!


The Middle-earth Venturing Pack is available for a limited time!


Go Ever On and On! Get 20% off:

  • Select XP Boosts
  • Enhanced XP Supply
  • 100% Mark Acquisition Boosts
  • Now through August 15th!


Weekly Coupon

  • Free +20% Mount Speed (6 Hours)
  • Coupon Code: TOPGEARED
  • Now through August 15th!​


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LOTRO Players News

Lore-Master Blue Line Discussion


Week In Gaming



  • Finished the interlude quests on Em in LOTRO. I really liked Belondor’s story line, and I’m looking forward to the continuation.
  • Dinkum! I have a Tuckbox and some cool new gadgets. Did some mining with Sans and some parallel play with Pineleaf.
  • Continued work on leveling Cyndars. Had to respec, but so far so good. 



  • My warden searched for more birds and joined FNF for skirms and The Warg Pens
  • My Lore-masters tried to learn their revised class: Skirms & Isle of Storms
  • My youngest warden headed to the Stoor-vales 


News Beyond LOTRO



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If you wish to support us without joining Patreon, just send Drac an email drac@lotroplayers.com




This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support! This helps out a lot so drop us a review on your favorite Podcast App of choice!  If you leave us a review, let us know! 


Featured Comments



This week we did not receive any emails. 

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Final Thoughts

The Players Alliance LIVE Shows

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Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News


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LOTRO Player’s News Podcast can now be found on Amazon Music and Audible

One comment

  1. Sam Burke /

    In the Lore-master’s Blue Trait Tree you can unlock the Bog-guardian in the second row after 5 points, the Eagle in the third row after 10 points and the Sabre-tooth in the fourth row after 15 points, to unlock all three as early as possible you only need to spend 16 points. If the LOTRO Wiki is correct, you can unlock the Sabre-tooth already at Level 17. It used to be at Level 56.

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