This week we discussed Update 38.1, dyes, character names, and our week in gaming.
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LOTRO Players News
Reminiscing about …
How did we pick our main character’s name?
New Player Question
How do you dye armor and cosmetics? Is there a method for selecting a preferred color?
Week In Gaming
- LOTRO – still leveling – winterfest is here! I visited my favorite hobbit.
- Played Raft and now playing Sunkenland with my friends.
- ESO and now Rogue Trader
- Emerallina completed three skirmish deeds (Tuckborough, Attack at Dawn, and Storm on Methedras).
- Generally just killed things and deeded with Pineleaf.
- Friday Night Fights with the guys ended with a win in Icy Crevasse. Louni was my healer for the first time ever (I think), so that was fun! And as a bonus, I got to hear about Sans’s first time meeting Louni when I told her this story.
- My Mariner ran quests in the new hunters camp then joined in Friday Night Fights. After that, I made one more Thangulhad run and finally completed Skirmisher of Middle-earth.
- My warden quested in Dol Amroth
- My low-level Mariner completed the second class quest.
News Beyond LOTRO
We currently have 13 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, Simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon. Your money is used for our podcast hosting, website hosting and the pay for our live shows.
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This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support! This helps out a lot so drop us a review on your favorite Podcast App of choice! If you leave us a review, let us know!
Featured Comments
Thoronlin commented on Episode 537, saying, “Thanks for the episode. Cyndars, at 19:42 of the video you talk about logging in and getting your “Thanksgiving items” again. What items were you referring to?”
Theskolin commented on Episode 538, saying:
Loved the segment on your favorite and least favorite zones on the latest episode.
Here’s my picks:
* Least favorite – The Dead Marshes easily. The single travel point, the confusion reeds everywhere. I went there once for the epic I think, and never went back. Those deeds can stay unfinished, tyvm
* Most favorite – Winter-home. I think I like it because I typically associate it with the holidays and time off of work. Which leaves me lots of time to enjoy the evening-time atmosphere of the locale. The quests are easy and throwing rotten veggies is always a good time.
I love the new segments that you’ve added to the pod. Keep up the great work!
This week we did not receive any emails.
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Final Thoughts
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