This week we discussed Release Notes for Update 38, The Corsairs of Umbar, and our week in gaming.
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Game News
Release Notes for Update 38, The Corsairs of Umbar
Patch expected for next week to address the known issues
Final image for the Kindred of the Coins
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LOTRO Players News
Week In Gaming
- Minecraft: Did NOT recover all my stuff, but did reorganize Sanswinda’s storage and completed my second building for community food storage.
- Destroyed pleasingly pulverizable stones (wonder what other things might be pleasingly pulverizable) and discovered vile bile piles with Pineleaf’s characters.
- Have begun the new content with Pineleaf, and am loving the way the romances have been written both for Fastrith in Gundabad and for Lothiriel in the new content.
- I have many things I would like to squee about in the new release, but shall not because I want to maintain a spoiler-free zone for a while longer. Suffice it to say that I think that the quest writing has been great so far in all that I have done, and I’m still in Western Gondor!
- In ESO, thanks to the Witches Festival XP buff, I am now over level 1600. And still manage to die not roll-dodging out of stupid. Which I proved on Wednesday night while chasing dragons in Elsweyr with Crister, Teriadwyn, & company.
- Fae Farm is adorable and addictive. That is all.
- My mariner headed into King’s Gondor up to the Blackroot Vale
- My hunter joined Cynders for the first chapter of the Song of Waves and Wind
- My rune-keeper joined Friday Night Fights, then joined Cynders for Chapters 2&3
News Beyond LOTRO
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