This week we discussed Update 37.0.1 and our week in gaming.
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Game News
Before the Shadow tracks 56-60 added to YouTube
LOTRO Bonus Days bring you a +25% Lootbox Embers and Motes Boost
- through September 10th!
Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariner will run from 9/14 to 9/19
- A set of missions will be added to this year’s event
Store Sales
Free Daily Gold Hobbit Presents For VIPs!
- VIP players will get a free roll on the Gold Hobbit Presents once a day from September 8th through October 10th!
This is your FINAL WEEKEND for Double Bonus Points!
- Get twice the Bonus Points in the LOTRO Store through September 10th!
Go There and Back Again! Get 25% off:
- Milestone Skills
- Hurried Traveller and Returning Traveller
- Advanced Riding Traits
- Rally Horns
- Now through September 14th!
Weekly Coupon
- Free Universal Solvent
- Coupon Code: ESSSOLVENT
- Now through September 14th!
LOTRO Players News is brought to us by
LOTRO Players News
Week In Gaming
- Gorgoroth laughed as my graphics card failed yesterday. No LOTRO – but coming back full force next week!
- ESO venting orc vents, taking more and more blender tutorials under my belt plan to actually take some classes for topography – I’m getting serious!
- Starfield – my goodness $$$$. I played fallout 4 until my muscles failed, and then I REALLY started playing it – recognizing map layouts from Fallout 4. I have determined that a baked potato piloting an ant farm has far more skill than I do – so have to work on this.
- I finished complete Festival wrappers on both of my level 140 characters.
- I have two new River Hobbit characters: a lightning RK and a tiny Captain. Of course, the first thing I did was make sure they got all their dances from the Dance Masters.
- In ESO, I have mainly been keeping up with my crafting research. And I’ve been thinking about getting Fae Farm for the Switch.
- Bought a new Lyndelby house…. It isn’t decorated yet, but it has a great view.
- Started a new Dinkum world with Cyndars.
- Picked up Raft again and started a new rafting adventure with my nephew.
- My rune-keeper joined Friday Night Fights for a jaunt into the Witch-king’s Citadel
- My Lore-master continued questing in Mirkwood
- My new captain helped the Swanfleet hobbit villages
News Beyond LOTRO
We currently have 13 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, Simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon. Your money is used for our podcast hosting, website hosting and the pay for our live shows.
If you wish to support us without joining Patreon, just send Drac an email
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Featured Comments
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Final Thoughts
The Players Alliance LIVE Shows
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Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News
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LOTRO Player’s News Podcast can now be found on Amazon Music and Audible