About the Song
The song Lúthien in the Halls of Mandos is a parody of Everything but the Girl‘s Missing.
Lúthien in the Halls of Mandos describes a scene from Tolkien’s Silmarillion: when princess Lúthien journeys to the Halls of Mandos to plead for the life of her fiancée, Beren.
Lúthien in the Halls of Mandos
Named Tinúviel
In Doriath I lived and danced and played.
So all was well.
Until by Beren’s love I was waylaid.
His Doom I could foretell –
For my hand Thingol forced him make a trade
A Silmaril.
For this a high price would be paid.
Doom will pursue
Us over earth and sea and sky.
What will ensue?
Only the Vala can descry.
Traveling with Huan
To the north out from hidden Nargothrond
Our only plan
To liberate Tol Sirion.
By songs of power I can
Bind black spirits – even of Sauron
To save my man
Then into peril we go on.

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