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Summery of the video consolidated into topics discuseed with a few personal notes or questions marked in Italic.
In general a bit of an adhoc Q&A with a lot of questions left hanging due to new content, updates or information not ready to publized or under NDA currently.
Content updates
Information about missing content and upcoming systems, instances and update 34 and 35.
Update 34
Fall – More information 22 august at DevCom germany
Size of war 3 peaks. Questpack/xpac/region pack?
Alternative leveling for 1-30. Most likely Cardolan
6-man instance
New skirmish (unclear on other revamp/parts of skirmish (camp))
Delving system
Level 140 content
Apoligizing for not enough. Next couple of updates (34 and 35) there should be more
New raid in early 2023. With a 6-man in U34.
Update 35 all endgame content
Delving system
Extra difficulty system (introduced on missions) for rewards such as traceries. Started by putting in a “delving stone” in a pedestal. Extra twists to earn extra stuff. Reminds me of mythic keystones in WoW.
Servers and SSG
Lag, servers, SSG, and job vacanies
Hiring people and systems
Focus on hiring a Lead content designer. A new producer is not a priority, his letter will go to 1 per 4 months.
Multi-factor authentication in the works. Internal alpha testing hopefully relatively soon
Servers and lag
Quest system not built to have 7000+ quests. Working on this
Effect system bloat. Working on this.
Database clean-up tools.
Modernizing server infrastructure. Longer term goal
If a raid is on your virtual server a person is also in there. The raid affects all players. See effect system.
64-bit server was ready. But issues cropped up regarding Chat servers. First they have to fix that.
Cease and desist private server
Copyright and IP issues.
Overflow server
Free transfer on an off in cases of larger influx of players.
Smaller questions and answers provided along the stream that dont fall in a large bundle.
UI and art updates
Working on assessing and assembling a team etc for updating UI, art, textures etc. Longer process due to budget and resources.
Brunt of upcoming updates on creepside. Lag fixes needed. Refers to Orion (possible new stream soon).
- Carry-all request for larger bags
- Golf and hobbies. Hobbies fall off the priority list.
- Bombadil server not in 2022.
- No new Epic battles using the current system. Would be more like the War of 3 peaks landscape.
- Kinship updates dropped for 2022.
- Human character creation options in the works. Other races later
- Gundabad on Anor most likely has no extra rewards.
- Ingame related customer support better. Account based support longer than desired. Kinship rename disabled due to support backlog (manual process).
- A lot of talk about a recent currency change. No idea what that is
- Landscape difficulty coming to normal server eventually.
- Dead server transfers are still dead beyond so far empty talk.
- Focus on providing more free content with moving to supporter packs and providing possible discounts to VIP.
There was a question asked, and briefly answered, about Reward Track (at about the 32:15 mark of the stream). Answer was basically “we’re looking at adding more stuff to Reward Track”.
I think my Reward Track question was more focused (disregarding UI, and comparing RT to battle-pass systems in other games), but they didn’t get to mine.