This week we discussed Weatherstock 14 registration and our week in gaming.
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Game News
The third-quarter Producer’s Letter is expected soon.
Registration for Weatherstock 14 is now open
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LOTRO Players News
Week In Gaming
- LOTRO: Missions and catchup with Caesawerui in Gundabad. Must get stronger. Cue the training montage and “Getting Strong Now.”
- LOTRO: No raid this week due to… lack of pugs? But we tried Tier 2 Houses of Rest. LOL! No. >( Also felt *really* good when INDIVIDUALS mentioned their Captain was crap except for Pughlak after I mentioned being unable to get through it without dying.
- Craft the World: finally got to try Heart of Evil for the first time. Elves are the bad guys. And mana use is expensive when you get to their side of the game. Ugh.
- No raid last night, did house of rest T2 – almost completed before everyone decided to call it.
- ESO exploding Orc arrives in High Isles, falls in love with new Khajit companion. High Elf Templar is strutting around.
- Final Fantasy – did several duties and leveled by characters after a LONG LONG time, going to be doing more group content now that the group is interested.
- DnD group taking a break from the campaign, doing a sci fi adventure, was given express instructions to ‘think outside the box’ with character creation – so my character is a three inch tall cross between a waterbear and a caterpillar whose songs became popular on the local galactic ultranet – he got so rich he became the ruler of his world, then was overthrown and has fled with his catalog of music, considered a priceless national treasure to the new rulers – I think I fulfilled requirements.
- I joined the field trip briefly to chat when I got home from work yesterday.
- I killed some world bosses and unlocked Ember in ESO.
- I got a dragon mount in FFXIV!!
- In LOTRO, my Landroval warden joined Friday Night Fights, where we ran small fellowship instances: Pughlak, Dhurstrok, and Woe of the Willow.
- In DDO, my tabaxi headed into the Feywild.
- In ESO, I headed into HIgh Isle. There I finished the main story and gathered the pieces of an Druidic Provisioning Station. I also learned how to play Tales of Tribute.
News Beyond LOTRO
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Final Thoughts
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LOTRO Player’s News Podcast can now be found on Amazon Music and Audible