LOTRO Players News Producer Raninia Interview

LOTRO Players News Producer Raninia Interview post thumbnail image


Some LPN Crew have a chat with Producer Raninia

*Note this episode was recorded April 21st, the day after the Runekeeper Satchel Issue So there is some talk of downtime, that was in the past*





  • 01:14 Get To Know Raninia
    05:19 15th Anniversary
    07:41 Yondershire Timed With Anniversary?
    09:56 Are there any special announcements related to the downtime from yesterday? *Note this episode was recorded April 21st, the day after the Runekeeper Satchel Issue*
    17:00 Now that the Yondershire has been released, are there any serious plans relating to River hobbits?
    21:40 Any hints about where we would be going next?
    23:20 With the first LI rewards season winding down, are there any lessons you have learned that we can expect to be applied to the next iteration?
    26:53 Any chance for a friendlier interface for the rewards track?
    28:16 Anor is expected to head for Gundabad in three months. Has any decision been made yet on the plans for when Legendary worlds catch up with the main worlds?
    33:09 Speaking of other worlds, how is the progress going for allowing transfers off the retired worlds?
    36:28 Any hope for a boost to the skirmish soldiers?
    42:03 Any plans to look at power scaling?
    45:40 Raid Drops So You Get What You Need? RNG FIX?
    54:50 Hobby horses for the Shire stable masters?
  • Questions From LOTRO Players Readers/Listeners
    71:11 Are there any considerations about revamping the movements and animations for our characters to make them feel more weighty and grounded?
    71:12 What can we expect in terms of graphical changes for LOTRO?
    74:40 Server Issue/Lag
    82:22 Can we expect any changes to Mounted Combat after the Legendary Item changes?
    85:39 Console?
    86:07 Any plans for more evergreen and challenging solo or small group content?
    89:27 Any plan for returning 1-off content such treasure goblins, Event servers like Bombabil?
  • Reddit Questions
    91:31 Customer Support
    93:44 Automatch LFG?
    98:05 Any new hobbies planned?
    99:44 Any plans to make all instances scalable?
    104:04 Will birds and small critters ever be able to rest on the player’s shoulders?
    105:39 The burning question of Treebeard, are they ever going to fix 105+ ixp runes dropping in lower level instances?
    107:01 When will we see UI scaling?
    107:41 Brawler trainer at 21st hall and a brawler Moria set



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