Highlighting contributions by lotroplayers on lotroplayers. In every article i’d like to show of an article, video, series, person or group that has made something that deserves some extra attention. This used to be available in the Lotro beacon.
These will be short, singular highlights on a probably irregular basis. If there is nothing that week or if there are multiple i’ll see what to do with that.
Highlight 1 – u/Nemarus Lotro texture of the day series
A lotroplayer over on Lotro reddit that posts a remarkable screenshot nearly daily. Refreshing to see screencaptures other then lotros landscapes getting some much needed attention.
Ranging from a cute sign in Bridgefields

Creatures of middle-earth

Strange object in lotro

Future highlights
I’ve no idea how long or in what direction this series will take. We’ll see how it flows. However no intention of posting time-sensitive highlights such as events, streams, lotro launcher available news, sales or a day 1 patch news.
Lotro highlight sources
If you want more then the occasional highlight
- #lotrofamily on Twitter – https://twitter.com/lotrofamily – Retweets by several lotroplayers
- Wotv on twitter – https://twitter.com/WotV_LOTRO – Maintained by a member of my kin.
- Lotro on reddit – https://www.reddit.com/r/lotro/ – Community forum on reddit