Fixing lotros UI with AMD RSR

A very unreadable ui because you have shiny new monitor. Or perhaps your eyeside isn’t what it used to be. Yet you have paid for your shiny 1440p or 4k monitor and want to use it. A long standing lotro probleem that will remain unfixed for a forseeable future.

4k resolution native
1080 resolution with RSR 4k

However for a select few there might be a decent solution. In the last month AMD introduced a feature in their software that has the side-effect of fixing our UI problem in lotro. As you can see above. The UI is the same size as you would get if you run it on 1080 (HD/standard monitor resolution in 2022).

How it works

Without getting too technical. Your pc will let lotro create a 1080 game/UI while at the same time using textures to see how the game would like at 4k (pretty bells and whistles). It will then use the original 1080 game/UI to aproximate that 4k version using all sort of tricks and voodoo-magic upscaling.

Basically tricking lotro to look like a 4k version while using the 1080 UI.

For who will it work?

Currently you will need the following things limiting it’s use.

  • An AMD graphics card in the 5000 or 6000 series with updated drivers
  • A monitor that support 1440p or 2160p
  • Windows 10 or 11
  • Run lotro in Full screen mode (not windowed or bordless)

For everything else you either won’t have the option or you won’t have a UI problem generally.

What it won’t do

There are of tech outlets that have discussed all the new software features of AMD, Nvidea or Intel. Image comparison, benchmarks and all other sort of video’s. Here is what it won’t do compared to what you may have heard about in different games.

  • I won’t give you more performance. While other games might get it. If you’re running a 5000/6000 series graphic card and same level CPU. Lotro will still be limited by it’s own engine. I got a consistent 50-60 fps between native 4k and 4k with 1080 RSR on.
  • Make lotro look better or worse.
    • You can’t use any “super resolution” to make lotro run above your monitor resolution. No 8k now that UI is fixed
    • From my viewing the software didn’t introduce any noticable image quality losses compared to running without.
  • Introduce new crashes.

How to get it to work

For this i’ll refer to the following website.

Other remarks

This is just a new bit of tech that might solve an issue for some people. I won’t test or update the guide on future changes cause i can’t miss Full screen windowed mode. I’m running lotro on 1440p and that is large enough for me. Especially the smaller real estate while using plugins is not great at 1080p.

On image quality you’ll have to believe me. It takes me too much work to get it on a website, screen, conversion or software to reliably show it to everyone. If interested i’d recommend Games nexus video on it.

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