This week we discussed the Update, Bullroarer Update 32 Build 6, and our week in gaming.
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LOTRO Players News
Week In Gaming
- Prancerella led the Rejects around in the Lone Lands killing all of the spiders. So much hate for the next round of questing, though, which is very much NOT fellowship-friendly.
- Missions, missions and more missions. Also, Zhelruka allegiance quests, which are still mildly annoying but less so than elves.
- Slogged through the Lonely Mountain in Craft the World, and am now in the currently-final level, the Heart of Evil DLC. More hating on elves.
- The Rejects ride again! Glompla got to run in non-healer stance when a proper healing mini joined us for the evening. Pibgorns make for better offensive weapons.
- Scooted around on Tuesday night with Caesawerui doing missions. No candle-deaths this time. At least, not MY death.
- It was a herd of short people on Friday’s Academy. Every single one a brawler except for the dwarf mini, and then we decided to run instances. Like Bells of Dale. And Othrongroth… Moral of the story: don’t let your healer die. Moral of the story 2: dwarf minis probably sing drinking songs to heal you with, so they’re suitable for packs of tiny brawlers.
- Killed spiders with the rejects. Lots of spiders. And some goblins and wargs.
- Did some slaying in ESO.
- Downloaded FFXIV.
- My Crickhollow warden completed the quest for Gundabad deed. I still have the discoveries and the slayers to complete, though.
- In ESO, I completed the Cadwell Silver quests for Auridon and Grahtwood.
- In DDO, I defeated …
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