Help, i’m 140 – U31 guide

This guide will focus on gearing at level 140, the weeklies and other activities on the level cap.


  • Questing in gundabad
  • Gundabad beyond questing
  • Gearing at level 140
    • Gear and essences
  • Instances
  • Weeklies
  • Legendary weapon upgrades
  • Resource and material farm
  • Traitpoints
  • Virtue Xp

Questing in gundabad

Questing starts in Annak-Kurfu with the Legacy of Durin Chapter 5.1 to enter Gundabad. Mattugard (130-132) South and east will lead to towards east and the Main weekly hub of Steepset. This will lead you into Deepscrave (133) where the epic will send you back to Mattugard a few times (don’t ignore these). After Deepscrave you’ll find yourself in Pits of Stonejaws (134) followed by a breath of air in Car Bronach (135). Glooming Tarn (136) and Clovengap (137-138) will lead you outside again into the Welkin Loft (139-140). After you hit 140 you will get Conquesting the three peaks which will lead you to the weeklies. The Legacy of Durin will continue for a few chapters.

Mattugard, Pits, Gloomtarn with a bit of Clovengap and missions are the most dense questing areas if you want to skip parts on future characters.

Alternative questing guide for Minas Morgul

While Gundabad is a great questing experience you might want to be doing something different. It’s your crafter or you only play the guy once a week, if so missions are a great way to get to 140. Alternatively you can use the revamped powerlevel system that’s now Swordhalls or School of Tham midraim

What you’ll miss is a ton of virtue xp and coins, but compared to Minas Morgul you’ll only miss the 500 embers a week for 100 quest tokens at Celebrated reputation.

Main activities in Gundabad beyond questing

Resource instanceCrafting materials and 0/20 Landscape weeklySee weeklies
Forge/Loft 0/20 Landscape weeklySee weeklies
Missions0/20 + 15/45 mission weeklyMission boxes
3 or 6 – man Instances0/6 instance weeklyLootdrop
Rare chest3 sunstone shard per box
Geode farmerBarter itemsPocket + cosmetic/pet

Gearing up at level 140 (jewelry and armour)

For gear you will find the gear on a few levels of quality. There are multiple options for each slot and not every class or role is the same for each item. So do compare them before spending. Sometimes it’s hard to find a decent enough upgrade compared to your current item. A more detailed slot by slot guide will cover these.

  • Landscape capable/questing
    • Gear from quest rewards (yellow 450-458)
    • Older instances that are run at level 131 or above (purple/teal 440-450)
  • Decent level 140 gear
    • Tier 1 gundabad instances (yellow 460-465)
    • Quest token or reputation barter (yellow/purple)
    • Mission barter gear (purple 460)
  • Good level 140 gear
    • Crafted (purple 460)
    • Non-gundabad instances run at 140 T2 or higher (teal 455)
    • Gundabad T2/3 (purple 460-465)
    • Gundabad 6-man (yellow 465)
    • Allegiance chest and gloves rewards
    • Quest token bracelets
  • Best 140 gear
    • Geode pocket
    • Ember gear (teal 455+)
    • Tier 4 or 5 gundabad instances

Essences at level 140

For essences there are 3 different levels at the moment.

Delver flickering (crafted)2Crafted1 Shard + 1 solvent
Delving flickering (⅔)T3+ dropFree, but hard to get

Instances of Gundabad

To be updated with discovery, general tactics etc

Weeklies (embers, virtue and LI runes)

There are currently 5 weeklies available that give ember rewards that reset on thursdays. Weekly reward package

  • 2000 virtue xp
  • 2000 worth of zelruka allegiance reputation item
  • 500 embers
  • 5 purple and 1 teal Enchancement run
  • Reclaimer of Gundabad reputation

Mission daily award takes 5 missions which count towards the 20 weekly. These don’t give the weekly package, but 5000 worth of zelruka allegiance reputation item

Weekly 100 silver quest tokens for 500 embers. Requires Celebrated with Reclaimers of Gundabad. Picked up on several camps or on the right side of the picture below. Replenishing your quest tokens once depleted is not as trival as it was in Minas Morgul.

Missions Daily + Weekly (solo/duo)

Unlocked by completing chapter 1 of the Zelruka Allegiance. To access these easily check out.

Gundabad has 37 missions that rotate in sets of 6 or 7. You can pick up the daily (5 missions) and the weekly (20) at Zova inside the Hall.

Landscape quest Daily + Weekly 

While I call them landscape quests, 3 of the 6 can be completed while killing mobs anywhere in Gundabad. The weekly reward quest is picked up at Zova inside the Hall, but the dailies are picked up outside the Hall at the Geode guy. 

The quests completed in the crafting instances and Battle of the Forge and Loft also count.

Doing the 3 mob kill quests + Forge/Loft usually results in 8-12 of the 20 done in 1 go.

Crafting instance daily (solo/duo)

At the fountain you can enter 1 of 3 resource instances. These will have either Wood (Clovengap), Ore (Gloomtarn) or Scholar (Pits) in addition to 3 quests to kill mobs, a boss or pick up 10 items (or 12 gems extra). 

If you need the resources or oonly play solo these are usually about 10 min. If grouped or dont need the resources Forge/Loft is usually quicker.

Battle of the Forge/Loft

A public instance accessible at the fountain outside the Hall. These consist of a metric ton of mobs with 5 quest total + 1 handin. Complete 3 quests to complete the daily lock. 

3 quests are your run of the mill kill X mobs and can be done solo. However the area is filled with large groups. There are 2 boss quests that will be a (small) fellowship size mob.

Forge boss

Kill X mobs of the “reinforcements” mobs on either side of the forge. These are the orcs north and south. This will spawn the 6-man cairog inside the Forge.

Kill X grims on the corner forges. This will spawn the 3-man Fire grim inside the Forge

Loft boss

Most likely work the same way. But it’s too chaotic to do an accurate count.

Kill x certain mobs to either spawn the cairog or Frost grim at the far north east entrance opposite of where you enter. 

Reflections of Gundabad

Repeat a story moment through the reflecting pool. This quest can be done daily, but only awards 1 yellow and purple rune. The time taken and that it puts you far away into the landscape (depending on the reflection). Makes this one really not worth it till a change or if someone knows a real quick reflection.

Legendary weapon upgrades

The upgrades for this expansion cycle will work a little differently than future levels caps. As in your level 130 weapon will only need minor upgrades. Assuming you already have all the correct traceries on your weapon you’ll only need to go 1 of 2 paths.

  1. If the current tracery is teal or gold. It would normally be itemlevel 440. If so then apply 10 yellow runes to get it to 450.
  2. If the current tracery is yellow or purple try to find the same tracery in a purple or teal from a source that’s level 131. Overwrite it and it will then be 450.
  3. If your tracery if 430 or lower it will usually be less work to just overwrite it with whatever version tracery you can find and get it purple for 300 script or random drop.

At this point your tracery is itemlevel 450. It will now be possible to upgrade it from 450 to 460 with yellow runes and then from 460 to 465 with purple runes. Don’t use purple or teal runes of enchantment in lower brackets. In the long run this will result in more work for you.

Want to plan your LI? Ifriedorc has made an excellent planning tool for level 140 LI’s.

Ingrediënt farm for level 140

Below you’ll find an overview of sources for ingredients you’ll need for consumables, scrolls, crafting etc on level 140. While this won’t be needed if you’re just questing around these will be handy if you want to gear up beyond questing or multiple characters.

Legendary weapon materials

A full overview will be made in a seperate article. I’m currently not sure enough to make recommendations for which sources are better then others. And at what pace farming materials is needed or if wise to spend your time on.

Potential sources

  • Questing gives a decent quantity of purple and teal tracery boxes.
  • Instances, School level 140 for Teal tracery, Sari surma T2 level 140 for gold (hard), Puglak/Dursthrok level 131+ for purple traceries and runes while doing weeklies.
  • Legacy of Durin final quests will award 1 teal and 1 gold barter item (no other sources known
  • Legendary reward track in a 2022 far far away from now


At the moment there aren’t a lot of places you can get embers. Only 3 repeatable sources are known at this moment

  1. Weeklies (see weeklies)
  2. Emberworthy crafts consisting of crafting with 7 ithil or dwarrowgleam shards
  3. Purple gear from Gundabad instances. All other instances are motes.
    1. Older lootbox gear can sometimes be broken down for embers.


Currently no known use for motes for a level 140. Previously you could use it to get LI materials. However if you want to farm motes/figments. Any previous ember source will now award motes. So Stairs, Kidzul kalah, old weeklies, Remorchant are nice sources for some quick motes.

Sunstone shards 

No weeklies for sunstone shards. The easiest source of sunstone shards for essences or crafted gear is Rare chest in either Glooming Tarn, Clovengap or Welkin Loft will each 3 sunstone shard each for a total of 3*3*4 = 36 shards. If you don’t waste them, these should last you for now.

Seals and marks for skirmish camp items

Items you can get from the skirmish camp with marks and medallions are for example reputation accelerators. Once you get some seals from Skirmish raids you can also get some cheap essence reclamation scrolls..

Non-gundabad instances

There are several instances that you can still run for loot and items that are useful for you at level 130.

Trait points

The current maximum number of trait points you can use is 98. While 50 will give you a full trait tree. Having more is always a good investment. Certainly if you want to go beyond questing. 

An online planner for trait tree is available on, but if you want to check which points you’re missing ingame you can do this manually or use


Same as skill trait points, virtues have gotten an update and are now pretty useful. Not as high on the priority list as gear, traits or LI’s. A welcome distraction and endless time sink that will give you some decent bonuses and flexibility to fill missing finesse or mitigations on level 140.

For a full overview on where to get virtue xp and which virtues to use see

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