Minas Arnor once Tower of the Sun

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Minas Tirith under attack


Once Minas Arnor, Tower of the Sun –
Now Minas Tirith, Tower of Guard, the one
Place left to Gondor as the others fall
Into the darkness. Is your white stone wall
Still strong enough the Dark Lord to resist?
Your defences of seven walls consist
With well-trained soldiers, faithful Gondor men
Prepared to fight and die. Alas! So then
Must Minas Tirith soon become a tomb?
Her stewards’ wisdom long avoid the doom
That Sauron’s malice schemed deep in Mordor.
They know for certainty there will be war.
Osgiliath is broken. Eld Ithil
Held by strong foes who only wish her ill,
Resolved to destroy Gondor, now alone:
The one bastion of remaining. Weaker grown,
She has no strength to stem the rising tide
Of Mordor’s arms ready to march, to ride
And burn and pillage, harass and destroy
Both elves and men in diabolic joy!
To ravage, wreck and waste, until the night
Covers all Midgard, extinguishing light.

Yet not while Minas Tirith stands to guard
The free peoples! She’ll face the future hard
And choices stark while readying for war.
This is the eminence of great Gondor.

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