Last updated: 20 Oktober for Update 30.3.1 Index.
Farming traceries and ancient script
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Where or how do I get my new LI?
See “Replacing your current LI” or go to 1st floor left side Last homely Home
How do I equip my new LI’s/ traceries barred error?
Equiping an LI while you have one equipped won’t work at the moment. Move the 1 or 2 LI’s into your bag so you can slot into an empty slot.
Why can’t I reforge my LI?
The reforgers have been repurposed for new LI’s. Old Li’s are stuck as they are.
Where do I get more ancient script?
What does this Li thing do?
See Old versus new functions or Different parts explained
What tracery or setup should I take?Beyond the scope of this guide. Beyond your friendly kinnies has posted raid focussed new LI’s in most class guides. Gwyn has started to upload videos on specific class Li’s.
There are just two new currencies. These will replace all old things such as crystals, empowerment, relics, gems etc.
Ancient script

Main barter currency, this works the same as motes and embers. You can get these from disenchanting drops, quests and other activities. One special source is converting your old Li’s.
Fragmented token

To get teal or gold quality traceries you’ll need these in addition to ancient script. These are limited by the expansion or level you’re running content from. Drops from the Vile Maw will give you Khazad fragments. Whereas level 130 will give you Minas Morgul fragments.
These will most likely come from epic quests, higher tier instances or the gundabad released Season pass.
New LI’s explained
Depending on your level you’ll have anywhere between 3 and 13 sockets. Below you see how it’s all laid out for you. The top part remains and is mostly related to reforging. No crystals or being vastly underpowered (as long as you visit the reforger often enough).
- Item name – What you want to call the weapon
- DPS (min/max) – Base damage of the weapon
- Item level – The current level of the item (also maximum level possible of used traceries)
- Tracery sockets – see below
Words of mastery
These come with 2 effects. The first will be tied to a specific skill and the other a fixed stat boost. You can boost the skill by finding a better quality version. The second part can be upgraded with the rune of enchantment.
Word of mastery quality
Yellow/uncommon – Landscape, quest and other easy or cheap barter options
Purple/rare – Solo/tier 1 instance on every boss probably landscape and barter options
Teal/incomparable – rarer drop then purple, but still in tier 1
Gold/legendary – Higher tier instance/raid
Word of power

Generic legacy, overall legacy or whatever the players will choose for the words of power will boost any part of all skills and attacks that fall under the description. These come in 4 groups as indicated by the 4 colours
Red for offensive, Green for healing, blue for defence and yellow for support
Variations of them boost single target, aoe or bleeds. Or protect against melee, range or tactical. These can be upgraded the same way words of power can.
You will eventually unlock a total of 5 or 6 slots. You can only slot 1 of every specific Word of power.

Word of craft
A small but targeted increase in 1 specific stat. They come in little focussed groups such as “healing” with critical rating, outgoing healing. If you equip 2 or 4 of the same type you get an extra bonus focussed on that group
Heraldic tracery
These come in a few variations, but mostly these provide a large stat boost leaning more heavily to either Might/agility/will or vitality. These are meant to change the damage type of your weapon the same way titles do now (beierland/ancient dwarf/westerness)
Replacing your (current) LI
You can go about getting a new LI in two ways. Start from scratch and build a new one from the ground up or convert your current LI to a large sum of resources. For both ways you’ll need to to get a new LI
Step 1 – Get a new LI by either completing the Moria intro or barter one in Rivendell
Step 2 – Reforge LI to your current level to open up more sockets and increase DPS
Step 3 – Acquire traceries from quests, drops or barterer in rivendell
Step 4 – Putting in the traceries into your LI
Step 5 – Upgrading the item level of each tracery individually
Step 1 – Acquiring a base LI item
If you’re new you can head to echad dunan to complete the Volume 2 introduction in Walls of Moria to get a set of LI’s (minimum level 45). Otherwise you can visit the Tracery room in Rivendell to barter 2 LI’s for 200 Ancient script each.
Step 2 – Reforge to your current level
If you have leveled past 45 or grabbed a new base LI you will need to reforge your LI’s. This will take it to your current level’s power. This can be done every 5 levels (50/55/60 etc). This will open more sockets for traceries and higher dps/healing
You can only power up traceries to the current item level of your LI.
Step 3 – Getting traceries for your LI sockets
You will need traceries to fill out your LI’s sockets. The way you get these is dependant on the quality of the tracery you’re looking for (see different parts explained)
If you’re getting them after Appraisal and got all the barter currency already. You can visit the tracery room in Rivendell. One very important part of getting these traceries is to not blow the full Conversion budget by getting everything Teal. You won’t have enough ancient script for that.
Grab a mix of rare and a few teal traceries that closely resembles your current legacies. Any legacy that could be considered a boost to all skills is replaced by a Word of Mastery.
If you’re a dps class or healing focus on getting teal Word of mastery and purple Word of power.. For tanking or other non-dps/healing legacies such as – cooldown on a vital skill focus on teal version of those and get rare Word of Mastery.
Words of crafting can be done later or grab any cheap ones for now.
Step 4 – Slotting traceries from step 3
You will need to work in the “essence socket panel”. This is opened by dragging the LI over on the flame icon. You can then drag the tracery over to one the twinkling sockets. Repeat this till all slots or traceries you have are filled.
Now these traceries are active if the LI is equipped. But they are a lower itemlevel then you can get.
Step 5 – Upgrading traceries
For level 130 the traceries will be item level 400. You can upgrade them with Rune of enchantment in the same way you slot your traceries in step 4.
Each rune has a quality that determines it’s max enchantment level. The same way scrolls of empowerment work. A “max level 74” scroll can only get the legacy up to 74. Same with yellow runes that go up to 415 and purple to 430.
It’s important to first use your lower quality/level runes. If you start off with 15 of each and use your purples to get the item to 415. You can’t then use your yellow max 415 to improve the tracery beyond 415.
Old versus new functions
Every part of your current LI goes away with most coming back in a slightly different form in the new system
Old LI | Current LI | Function |
Legacies (general) | Tracery | 7 become 13 options |
Relic,setting,gem,rune | Word of crafting | Small stats boost |
Scroll/Crystal | Rune of enchantment | Increase secondary stat |
Title | Currently not ingame | change damage type |
Item xp (rune) | No use till Gundabad | Advance xp track |
1st/2nd/3rd age … | Removed | No different ages |
New legacy name/types
LI2 legacies will be split up into 4 types of sockets in which you can slot the new ones.
LI3 | LI2 version |
DPS/healing | Legacy at the top/upgraded by crystal of … |
Heraldic tracery | Weapon title |
Words of power | Generic legacy that boost all skills/stats of a certain type. +30% bleed damage/ +20% healing/ -10% damage |
Words of mastery | Skill legacy that boost 1 specific skill |
Words of craft | Small stat boost with larger boost through set bonus |
The DPS will be part of your standard LI. This won’t need any extra upgrades with this being done if you gain a level on reforging. All your other legacies will be split into overall boosts and skill specific boosts. And relic/gem/settings will be replaced with small stat boosts through Words of craft. Your damage type will eventually be changed with different Heraldic tracery.
Tracery room
To get to the tracery room head to Rivendell-East for Elrond’s library. From the front door take the left stairs to level 1 and make a 180 to find the door there.
The first room will have the Legendary item barterer on the left and the class traceries on the walls of the first room
In the back room all the other Words of power can be gotten by clicking on the bookcases
If you have Li’s already from before the revamp. You can create a copy of it that will be broken down into the currencies you’ll use to make a new LI.
Appraisal need to know and warning beforehand
You can copy your old LI’s into new materials to be used on your new LI’s. However any old materials such as scrolls conversion barterer will be in a later Update.
When you copy your LI in the LI panel you will receive X new materials. You get to keep your weapons, but can only convert it once. Careful these items can be sold to a vendor.
Don’t spend all Ancient scripts by getting the best possible traceries or get random traceries. This is a finite resource.
Conversion tactics
Any conversion can push you over the 10.000 ancient script. While you won’t lose any from the current conversion. If you’re above cap you won’t be able to ash any dropped traceries or will lose any surplus from quest, weeklies etc.
Traceries type/expansion depend on the character you convert them on. A Moria LI converted on a level 130 gives Minas Morgul tracery tokens. A Moria LI on a level 60 gives Khazad tracery tokens.
Where to find more?
All out of Ancient script, fragmented tokens or other LI materials? Below you’ll find the current known sources.
The traceries themselves will (eventually) come from any ingame activity. Except landscape drops. (Epic) quests and the upcoming Xp reward track will provide the earliest traceries for most players. If you want to get more or better quality these will drop from repeatable quests such as Dolven view and others.
Instances are the main repeatable content to farm these items. The higher the difficulty/tier the better quality traceries that will randomly drop. For a full list see tracery farm.
If all else fails, you can always visit the Tracery room in Rivendell to barter specific traceries for ancient script and/or tokens.
Ancient script
Currently the main source of ancient script beyond appraisal is to disenchant traceries you won’t use yourself. Depending on the quality you’ll get 20,40 or 60 ancient scripts. For farming these scripts see Tracery farm.
Quest rewards ancient script directly are sparse to unknown atm.
Fragmented teal/gold tokens
The broken and cracked traceries have very few sources at all atm (I think it’s just a handful of quest rewards?), as we’re reserving them as high end rewards and wanted to get a sense for the drop rates and patterns of the more common stuff before we start putting them into more regular circulation. They will never be common or particularly easy to get, esp the legendary versions. – Vastin on forums
Runes of enchantment
Same as traceries, these drop from chests. Usually boss 1 will drop runes where later bosses award traceries. Select epic quest have Legendary runes. 1 is awarded for Legacy of Durin.
Tracery removal scroll
To unslot all your traceries you’ll need a removal scroll. These function the same as essences or relics. These can be gotten from disenchanting pre-30.3 essence removal scrolls or from the legendary boost box you get from doing 15 or 45 missions weekly reward boxes
Overall tips
If you’re unsure, practice making a new LI with yellow and purple traceries. And be careful using your ancient script if you hadn’t stocked up on appraisal LI’s before the update. While it’s incredibly cheap and easy to make a decent weapon. Each quality upgrade doubles in cost.
Nearly all instances can be run on the low end of the level range for the same rewards. Level 121 for 121-130. Not all instances award the new LI’s just yet.
Farming traceries and ancient script
Currently the main instance people farm is Sari Surma level 121 tier 2 (not challenge). The last boss awards 1 random gold tracery to everyone. Second instance is Ost Dunhoth Gortheron wing 1st boss. While a lot harder than Sari Surma. It can be quicker. For the easiest instance to farm i’d suggest School of Tham midrain level 121. Purple and teal traceries and purple runes which can be soloed at this time by a lot of classes.
For true solo options there are the solo versions of Minas Morgul instances. Or the Infused Garnet quest in Dolven View repeatables will award teal boxes that will award a random teal tracery. Purple versions available for other infused gem quests.
Confirmed instance drop list
The drop rates usually come in a few variations of difficulty and group sizes. The 1st few bosses are on average 1 step lower than the final boss. If the final boss would drop teals the other bosses give purple or runes.
Cluster | Instance | Last boss quality | Level 121 drop? |
OD | Gortheron | Gold | Yes |
OD | Other | Teal | Yes |
Dol goldur | BG | Gold (challenge) | Yes |
Dol Goldur | 3 and 6-man | Teal | Yes |
OD | Sari-surma | Gold | yes |
OD | Lost temple | Teal | yes |
Eregion | School/library | Teal | yes |
Barrows | sambrog | No | No |
Fornost | Water | Teal | Yes |
Helegrod | 4 wings | No | No |
Moria | Vile maw | No | Capped |
Angmar | Rift | No | Capped |
Angmar | CD/Urugarth | No | Capped |
Outstanding guide! Thank you very much for putting this together, helped me on day 1.
How to disenchant?
So many things say “disenchants to: xx Ancient script” but trying to use Flame says “you do not have any valid items to use that on”
I don’t want to *use* it… I want the ancient script!