Ever sat on your 130 hobbit during farmers faire and pondered i’d like to see the Shire one more time? or your stout-axe dwarf that would like to see the mountains of Mordor again?
Tough luck. Once you’ve completed a quest it’s gone forever on that character. But what if it’s not? Lotro’s sister game Dungeons and Dragons online (DDO) has a system called reincarnation. It allows you to restart a character to an earlier stage and redo/replay quests, instances etc.
Why would you want to?

In DDO this provides your character with extra trait points which are hard capped to a much lower standard then the nearly enough points for 2 full traitlines in lotro. In lotro I would like to play a new character through Middle-earth, but it would have to be a different class. Since another hunter doesn’t do much for you.
Being able to enjoy Middle-Earth again or continue a journey started years earlier without losing any title, achievements or friends sure sounds like a nice idea.

Your own legendary server
You probably have your normal server you play on. All your characters, kinmates and friends are on that server. That’s what prevents me from restarting that journey on whatever version of Legendary server there might be. I’ll finish Anor, but have mostly given up on Treebeard and Shadowfax because they fix other issues in ways that defeat my own reasons I’d play there. They have their spot for other players, but I’d want my own Legendary Evernight without having to leave my kin or create a throw-away character for a cap-kin.
Legendary settings for reincarnation
In what way you’d restart your journey can be a plethora of variations. Each would have it’s own benefits, perks and time needed. But also have their (technical) issues. Ranging from losing access to your 130 for raiding if you start as level 1 or have people reset the Shire for infinite Lotropoints.
New opportunities
Reset everything and start over as a level 1. Enjoy the regions with a new difficulty setting. As you journey forward you’ll earn extra trait points, virtue xp or the new season pass xp. In the end you won’t be more powerful than what you could have achieved before your reset. But you’ll have experienced the game in a new light.
Having your new character linked to your 130 would allow you to share discoveries, stablemasters and other deeds. Earn titles you missed by going a different route on Bing Boffin. Perhaps it could be the start of an updated Deed system which could be searchable, readable and account wide.
Crazier options like a time-jump back and forth to Moria or Rohan to enjoy or skip the instances for a few weeks with your kingroup on a Tuesday evening. With most gear and soon LI’s having access to scaled item levels you could have a special Moria weekend where you’d be back underground for a trip down memory lane and earn those Challenges again.

Alting your main
All in all it would give you a choice and opportunity to enjoy (part) of the world again. Utilizing previously built tech like the race-change token it would allow you to (re)create an alt that’s connected to your main. Earn additional titles, Virtue xp or Deadly difficulty without having to lose time with your friends on a distant server. I’d figure it would work with an actual fresh character that’s linked by logging in and out again so that you could transfer over the earned rewards and still have access to a raiding character while you “reincarnate”.
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