[CCQ3] Perk boosts (vip)

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Hidden a few clicks deep there are small boosts to your character that you can activate while you’re VIP or a lifetime accoount.

Destiny points

Everytime you level you gain 200 destiny points. Years back these were used for pvmp, but not so much these days. Now they slowly add up until you find them. These points are mostly used to get extra 100% xp bonusses for your character. For a full list see https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Destiny_Points

Accessing perks

Hidden in your wallet

First you press B to access your wallet. At the bottom you have the option Perks. This will open up the Destiny point panel. Select the perk you’re looking for and press Use destiny. This will immediatly activate said buff. All except the XP will start the timer on them.

Different types of buffs

The XP awards a blue bar equalling about 15% XP of a level for a cheap price of 250 points. Other buffs such as morale and power are wastefull. With buffs such as mitigation scaling with your level only adding a few % of the stat. The larger/longer do add up to about 10%, but will set you back a large amount of DP’s. Nearly all buffs have a store version and old lootbox version that can be traded between players and on the AH.

Persistent through death

The buffs do persist through death so you won’t lose them making the more expensive buffs slightly more appealing. The 5% damage gets added on top of your mastery. A 200% damage will result in 205%. Won’t make any long term diference, but it could be usefull to you if you’re raiding. It does equal 5000/200, about 25 levels. So use it wisely, but do use them.

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