[CC]Landscape Tier 3 (Bullroarer) info

Lotro’s landscape quests have been tuned toward everyone being able to complete them. Which leaves any challenge in leveling to those handicapping themselves or stick to baking pies. However for the past few Bullroarers an NPC with 3 or 10 new quests popped up (and got removed) which allows you to select a difficulty for landscape and (solo) instances.


At the moment, if you select the quest (before you are level 11) you’ll get a 10 or 20% xp bonus, but at the cost of (a now) invisible debuff on you. If you continue to level with that buff without setting it back to level 1. You can earn accountwide titles for each class.

There are title for Tier 1 to 3. After that they are for your own challenge. For all titles check out https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?&postid=8075824#post8075824

How difficult is each tier?

Incoming damage increases at the same pace past Tier 2 with Outgoing damage dropping fast while tapering out towards the higher end.

On higher Tiers the enemies will also give you scion debuffs that usually only show up on instance Tier 4 and 5. For a full list of these visit https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Scions

Are the titles worth it?

The titles are for the franchized lotroplayers. Those looking for a new activity to do cause you will have to start a new character for it on every class. The challenge is certainly there with tier 9 active you will get massacred to a degree never found on the landscape.

However the titles will be spoiled with “cheaters” due to how open the landscape is. In the first iteration you could go in a mixed party inside an instance and be powerleveled. In the 2nd build the buff isnt active while in non-solo version/instances. However they were in a mission. And ofcourse getting the quests and follow it up with a valar.

The titles are for personal glory. They seem to be aware of the powerlevel/help venue and are doing some work on it. But i doubt they will hammer it all out before launching. Probably best to not try it with how many options such as craft xp there is aswell.

Annecdotal difficutly

A 130 hunter with Remorchant t1/2 gear and about 350k morale attempting the below scenarios

  • Tier 9 mission – Solo swarm mob are like standard landscape with any group of 2 normal feeling more like elite + signature and dieing a few times. Did finish the mission
  • Tier 9 solo Harrow (old build) – Completely wrecked by first two orcs. Taking 40-60k hits.
  • Tier 9 120 Signature elk – Managed to kill it, but wouldnt want any adds on them

Valared hunter

Tier 3 group harrow – Could take more hits, but wouldnt be able to kill them. Harder then a normal Tier 3 harrow i’d say.

3 thoughts on “[CC]Landscape Tier 3 (Bullroarer) info”

  1. The NPCs are still there on Bullroarer, at least I found them at the entrace to Thorin’s Hall and in Celondim across from the stable master.

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