If we’d call it a revamp it might never get done. So here are some tweaks to lotro that might be nice to have. Some being a bit too glamorous perhaps, but one can always dream
Crafting materials from all armour
Ever ran an instance like Carn Dum with full bags afterward or found yourself inundated with Relics from School boxes? Only to have it tossed into the nearest vendor or destroy button.
Why not extend the feature to break down low-quality gear into crafting materials? Introduced with Minas Morgul the ability to break down unwanted gear into materials is a bonus for returning to instances or get that extra bit of reward for helping out your kinnies. Turning everything into motes might be a bit much, but having access to below level 50 crafting materials would certainly help some of the prices on the AH as well.
Bag tweaks
The lovely bag and your inventory could do with a few tweaks. While the auto-sort has gotten some tweaks over the years. I would love to exempt certain bags (or items) from being auto-sorted or sell-all. Be it your swap weapons, gear, portents or other consumables you need to know their exact location for quick use.
While there are other options for that with plugins, a vanilla option would be preferable. It could also double up for another bag related peeve. Sell-all selling items you don’t want to sell. With the newish “trade- with fellowship” there are plenty of items that normally would be stacked neatly now take up inventory space and go poof with selling.
Having a bag that’s exempt or even more handy to lock items by name and not stacks automatically. That new Anfalas crystal you found or that 11th empowerment scroll would still fit snugly in this updated feature
Gear tweaks
Essence slots add a flexibility to gearing (and store options) that is quite handy on higher levels or special gameplay. However before you get to that point they often go unused and make updating your gear a hassle. Around level 100 you’ll only get bad gear with bad essences. Without any options fill the hole in the game. Crafted gear is only available in swiss cheese version with 4 slots unfilled. The same goes (to a smaller extent) with any gear above 105. You’v outleveled your gear, but not being able to finish the next ones to bring yourself up to spec in mordor.
Give each essence slot a base value, worse then fancy essences. A placeholder Tier 0 essence appropriate to the item level. A level 100 is worth 122 might with 105 being 188. An extra yellow option with 105 with 160 might would ease up a large portion of the problem.
Speaking of negligent gearing options. The options to base level gear stops around level 105. The crafting requires instance loot, skirmish gear is maximum level 105 and the last cheap mote option ends in mordor.
If for whatever reason you skip one area of content by just following epic line or leveled by pelargir, missions or skirmishes you’ll find yourself stuck at a “expansion starter areas” such as Ered Mithrin or Mordor besieged introduction in the Vales.
Playing together or finding a challenging area
It’s sometimes difficult to find a challenge in the game that’s not made by handicapping yourself for no reason. Leveling with a friend that’s a ranged character often results in your own stubby hobbit legs on /follow.
Having the option to increase the difficulty (with some added rewards) can be quite enticing to some. One option is being worked on with personal difficulty modifiers, but that’s still in an early alpha stage. We don’t have many details besides knowing some rewards.
This could fix some of the landscape steamroll, but other areas the game gets a bit too easy at this moment of the game. Missions, weekly ithil shard instances or ill omens skirmishes often get turned to the lowest possible setting just to get it over with.
Bring back the old instance finder bonus for random instance. I’d rather group up for a quick T2 Harrow then run it at 122 personally. Rewards have to be improved of course. Instead of +50% marks have it provide relevant items to players.
Changing difficulty options
With still 6 months to go in Minas Morgul, 1 update and barter options being extended, the current tier 2+ isn’t cutting it. The only thing to improve is vitality and more vitality for plenty of players. Tier 4 and 5 is more about not getting one-shot then having a challenge.
Instead of increasing morale and damage. Increase the penalty on outgoing damage/healing and mitigations on players. In a way it ends up the same, but with this you would need/have options to improve your gear and push yourself in smaller group instances. Increase the rewards to the top-end.
Quality of life improvements
A few smaller tweaks that dont really fit together
Account wide (unlocks) deeds
You’ve finished an instance and can now barter your upgrades, but you’re not sure what exactly you missed. Was it an earring or ring? Time to relog cause you can only barter it on 1 character and send it over afterwards.
Account based friendlist
Always wondering if your friend or friendly raiding partner is on a different alt you might not know? Probably with an accept or confirm option to remove some unwanted spam.
Barter and discovery deeds would be very welcome if those are account-wide. Perhaps a subset of daily and weekly quests.
Besides 4k, there are plenty of little UI tweaks that would be lovely.
Detachable buff/debuff windows.
While present in some with plugins or alert windows. The vanilla 2*2 pixels just isnt enough anymore. Even trying to find out what each does is a nightmare by hovering over with it. And some you shoulnt remove such as poisons in remorchant. Minas morgul is complexer then the last few years.
Having the option for “show only dispellable” is great for fps, but removes a lot of need to know information such as damage dots that tier up like Boss 1 Stairs. Being able to keep these visible or a larger icon would be lovely.
Clearer damage/heal/tank measurements
While there is some merit to keeping all game information a bit obscure. There has been no game with a perfect “what is better?” system. But this number is higher so it must be better! Having some tools to test your new weapon, traitline or rotation would be lovely.
The new training dummy helps to give a more comparable option, but the tanks or healers are out of luck with that.
Larger updates
While not every tweak would be easy to get ready such as the friendlist working with accounts some system do get off-shoot improvements over time. While others get forgotten for a little while (neglected instance of the week).
Part 2 will have some more overhauls bringing in some ideas for neglected part of lotro.