Free League Publishing Announce New Edition Of The One Ring RPG

Free League Publishing Announce New Edition Of The One Ring RPG post thumbnail image

The One Ring is getting a second edition. Designers Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi are working with Free League, publishers, to revitalize the game that was first released in 2011. A core rulebook and boxed starter set are planned, both with new art throughout. The Kickstarter will begin Feb. 11 with delivery expected before the end of 2021.

The One Ring: Roleplaying the World of The Lord of the Rings, the new core rulebook will include all the necessary mechanics needed to run a game in Tolkiens Middle-earth. This new book will also focus on the timeline, which is set during the 70-year period between The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring.

The boxed starter set will even come with multiple pre-generated characters based on historical figures from the lore. Players will be able to take on the role of Drogo Baggins, father of Frodo Baggins, and Paladin Took II, father of Peregrin “Pippin” Took.

There will be more information when the Kickstarter launches on Feb 11,

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