This week we discussed the rep and imbued LI grinds in light of the Bullroarer Update 28.3 Preview, as well as sharing about our week in LOTRO.
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Game News
Bullroarer Update 28.3 Preview
Adjustments to scrolls after feedback
Level-100 Legendary Items Legacy Numbers
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LOTRO Players News
Pineleaf’s pick of the week:
Mythgard Breakdown of the Synopsis
New Player Question
Can we reforge our warhorses? (Okay the bridles, really.)
- The Grrlz made a journey into Eregion to start the road towards their first LIs (although maybe we should rethink it). We did become Ridge-racers, then went back to help Heistia finish up some class deeds.
- A fun Roving Threat run on Thursday with my Kin in Angmar and Forochel to clear the deeds for some of them. And I think Gwaer’s houses are ready for our Kin’s housing tour.
- My Beorning hit level 40 today. All from crafting. Mostly so she could use the Council of the North rep clickies before the stupid happens. (She’s my metalworker.) Next for her: finishing her Guild rep.
- On Monday, my Aria’d RK adventured in Mordor Besieged with Maven and Nitesh. His LIs need serious work.
- On Tuesday, Bofal finally made it to Langhold! Now to get his warsteed…
- LI math and despair filled most of the rest of the week as I tested every possibility I could come up with on Bullroarer. Hopefully, it will not go live in this state.
- Went to Bullroarer for the first time to test the PvMP nerfs (creeps), then went to the proper Moors to nom creepy freeps and freepy creeps.
- Discovered that tiny pigpants can jump like superheroes while ridge racing.
- Entered the deep places with the Academy for LIs and giggles to find you can ride pigs there.
- Ran with a Cyndars alt and one of Sans’s alts to the Twenty-First Century Hall in order to get other places. It has wi-fi!
- Other Champion is now fully ranked with the Cook’s Guild.
- Axli and friends did some exploring in Rohan and then “officially” (™) arrived in Rohan.
- Arkenstone RK ran with the Academy and made it into Moria.
- Khelevorn and Galebrilith attended an extremely awkward family dinner in Eaworth.
- My Anor warden received salt-water swimming lessons from the Corsairs
- For the field trip, we sought revenge against a giant squid
- For Friday Night Fights, we ran Trail of the Blood Serpent and Quays of Harlond
News Beyond LOTRO
Daeron LoreMaster: Boromir in Rivendell
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