This week we discussed Update 28.2.1, Christmas wishes, and our week in LOTRO.
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Game News
Legendary Worlds and Imbued Items
Store Sales
The Yuletide Festival is underway! Available through January 4th!
Yuletide Savings Continue! Week 3 gets you:
- 35% off Universal Solvent
- 50% off Enhanced Reputation Supply
- 75% off Crafting tiers
- Now through December 24th!
Store, Carry, and Share! Get 25% off:
- Vault Storage and Shared Storage
- Inventory Slots
- Currency Cap
- Now through December 24th!
The Weekly Coupon gets you a free Enhanced XP Supply with the Coupon Code BLUEXPBAR, now through December 24th!
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LOTRO Players News
(In this side-trip from the main story, we see Morchandir interact with the dwarves of the Gabil’akka in preparation for storming the gates of Gundabad… to predictably hilarious results.)
Aerindys’ pick of the week:
FibroJedi’s Guide to Yule Festival Cosmetics
New Player Question
How do you get crystals for LIs from the festival?
- Teriadwyn did more helping of dwarves, and I as a player did more yelling at the screen in frustration. She also finished out the Elderslade slayer deeds, AND Mountain of Missions Tier 10. Whew.
- Saryssa did Ale Association and Frostbluff rounds, then made her way through the seasonal skirmish, surprisingly way more easily than the Grrlz did earlier in the week.
- Terifluffz hit the Moors to vent some frustration and got snarky with a freep spy in OOC. Then we nommed his freep bit a few times and he finally stopped talking. Or logged. Victory was ours, either way!
- Went questing for rep in Forochel with Khel in order to get Kindred with the Lossoth. For cosmetics. Then realized I had to craft them and threw that idea away.
- Everybody was warg-tooth biting… Chewed on some freeples and we got complimented by a spider.
- Hobbit burg Heistia went with the other Grrlz burgs through a wintry Yule instance. How we survived to the end, we still don’t really know.
- Made Rank 5 on my warg…finally. Rank 6 will probably take forever.
- Lots of Festivalling, including experiments with consumables, helping a Kin mate get a pet bear, getting the Yule frame for my Hobbit hunter, and starting to throw snowballs. I may never stop throwing snowballs.
- Some regular questing highlights: the Grrlz went back to the Misty Mountains, discovered how to tell if a burglar has a broken leg (, and managed to complete the Battle of Frostbluff, even if it was a Pyrrhic victory (thank goodness for the subscriber’s jug. And my Guardian has the Foundations of Stone and completing the Epic (skirmishes, skirmishes, skirmishes) and she can run away from Moria (only to be sent back…I know, I know).
- My favorite NPC in middle-earth has come once more! Drunk passed out hobbit in Frostbluff!
- Closer and closer to 1 million!
- Had a great run yesterday – between stairs and t2 sides for remm got 6 tier 6 boxes!
- I was going through some old screenshots and found, what I believe, is the most beautiful screenshot ever, and I’m willing to share!

- Went warging with the group and a runekeeper’s runestone zapped me so hard it broke my discord connection.
- Festivaling, festivaling, and more festivaling! Picked up a bunch of cosmetics and a bunch of housing decorations, and listened to a high-elf who was playing music by the quest-givers.
- Died many times in Elderslade, mostly due to a solo only quest that locked me out.
- Took my warg out to eat.
- Ran several inn and ale league runs for festival cosmetics and starlit crystals.
- My Anor Warden headed through the Paths of the Dead and into Gondor
- During the field trip, I helped a few fellows to complete their class quests. Then we raced across a ridge in Eregion.
- For Friday Night Fights, we ran the Stairs Battle and The Battle of Frostbluff.
News Beyond LOTRO
Top Supporter for this month:
It’s a collection of full LOTRO databases, including:
Also, you can use it right from your discord server with LotroBuild bot!
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This week we did not receive any reviews.
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Aerindys @Aerindys
Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles
Sanswinda @Sanswinda
Teriadwyn @Teriadwyn
Gwaerendes @Gwaerendes
Celebathien @Celebathien
Final Thoughts
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