Help i’m 130, Update 28 appendix

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The latest update (28) ditto’ed into an expansion. Yet this update did bring a large upgrade to gear one could get at level 130. While questing in this region it is suggested to atleast limlok gear as there are large enemy encampments and a lot of morale to dig through. Especially in the second map.

For such I’d call it an appendix to For all the questions about trait points, weeklies, virtues and questing in Minas Morgul or Limlok visit the base guide linked above.

Quest guide to Elderslade

There are 3 questlines lead to Annak. One will take place on the east side fo the map and should be finished early on.

Introduction to Elderslade will start you in Skarhald and direct you to the Rushgate and you’ll enter Elderslade from the east.

Two questlines will come from the south. You can continue Leothreds questline from Hlithsheld and the Legacy of Durin from Limlok.

It’s suggested you get all 3 questlines done before you start questing in Elderslade. All will mix once you reach Annak and you’ll end up backtracking.

Move from camp to camp for least amount of double killing

Decent gear from quest rewards

While you’re questing you’ll get a mix of purple 426 gear and some teal with 2 slots. If you’ve limlok gear it’s not suggested to swap it due to essences that need to be replaced. If you’re running with gear from Minas Morgul it’s enough better without an essence or with any flickering ones you got lying around.

Select Raid-like gear from barters

Shoulder, Chest, Gloves, Boots and Leg pieces can be bartered for 75 quest tokens once you reach kindred with the March of Gundabad faction. These come in a mix of offensive and defensive so you usually can get 2 or 3 pieces that are good for your trait line. These are roughly equal to Remochant Base drops at item level 426

For Ally you can barter a Shield that is slightly better then the Minas Morgul crafted Elite shields (item level 422 vs 426)

For the cheap price of 15 ithil shards you can craft 15 Elderslade supply packs which you can trade for 1 Gold Pocket item. Or you can exchange 5 Elderslade supply packs for a new crafted relic for your Legendary weapon

Discovery locations for Stairs and Threshold

To discover the instances to either the 6-man or 12-man instances you’ll have to visit the below locations on the specific version of the Elderslade map.

Stairs instance (6man)

Tier 1 can be run daily and drop the same armour slots as the kindred quest token barterers give. Although in different configurations of stats. There are purple drops, but the teal drop so often you’re better off waiting for those.

The Tier 2 is pretty doable once kitted out with. Tier 3 is a lot harder due to boss 2 doing a ton of damage. However there are Tier 6 essences or improved Elderslade runes of striking/binding to get from here.

Tier 1 is an excellent source of embers. with 300-600 embers per day per character in a real easy instance.

Bloody threshold (raid)

For a full guide you can visit

Armour follows the same track as stairs, but higher item level (even higher than Remorchant). But no set bonus available. The special lure for this raid is it’s duration and on higher tiers the special golden jewelry that can give you the set bonus.

Ember barters

The quality of the ember barters have gone up to item level 424. These trade off some stats for the flexibility of choosing what you want. Currently only offhands are “best-in-slot” from a repeatable source. Jewelry is decent, but easily attainable from instances or Limlok.

For a full overview of ember source Visit the below link

Combining it all into one character

Combining it all the suggested route is quest Minas Morgul if you’d want it or unlock the weeklies. But for ease of gearing make your way to Limlok. With a set from there you’re set to venture into Elderslade and the Stairs instance.

Then run a combination of Stairs, and barter quest token gear. However you’ll need a good chunk of essences cause nearly all teal gear has 2 slots. So you can stick with purple Limlok or Stairs drops till then.

With all that in place and a good LI you can easily complete T1 Thresshold or run a few Remorchant bosses if you’d wish so.

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