Long lost questpacks #5 Assault on M&M

Long lost questpacks #5 Assault on M&M post thumbnail image

Death! Death! well and other questing areas. While mostly known for getting your forces to the battle of Pelennor and the black gate there’s plenty of questing to be done inbetween.

The beacons are lit

The stash of pipeweed has been found and the beacons have been lit. The epic story gets you to Cirith host and a quick little visit to some aborignial tatoed dwarves. You’ll then turn your back on the Beacon Hills and return to Pelennor. 

The beacon hills is a welcome quest area free of roots and has some nice little quests if you’re not quite ready for another round of Minas Tirith. The Rohiric camp used to be 1 trick pony for nostalgia sake, but with the new housing area it’s a nice source for housing items.

Some nice quests, but without the reputation grind it misses the drive for repeat clears.

After battle Minas Tirith and Osgiligath

Are you sticking around the movie theatre for the after story. Where did Bob go to after he got rescued or if Ashley got married to her lost puberty crush? This is the feeling in both After battle quest areas. You get to meet up with nearly all the fellowship, see the rangers again and do a tally who survived. But most of it is taken care of in the epic story. Everytime an alt rolls around i’d say to myself I’ll do these quests this time around. Mostly i remember “another reputation tier?!” These questpacks are truly forgotten by most.

The sun comes out tomorrow

The wastes and North Ithilien

These two places fall in the same category as After battle questing. With the lovely exception of being in areas that look gorgeous in their own way. Never before been in such a lush or wasted landscape makes questing here a lot better. Ithilien has some nicely divided quest hubs and the battle of Cair andros to finish it off with the Wastes being a bit shorter. The little area to the east(erlings) or the two instances provide some replayability

Plenty of horses to escort out of here

If you’d want you can spend ages in here for the reputation or the Flower frame deed. Otherwise onward to Mordor.

Dead marshes

Forgotten to the point you might not know it existed, The dead marshes. A level 100 area tagged on a small update after Western Gondor that can only be entered through a cave in the area (since then a portal in the Waste has been added). The quests are your standard orc and spirits, but the interweaved Frodo, Sam and Gollum sessions are the coney and butter for the area.

Don’t follow the lights

The atmosphere as you trudgeon through the swamp is aerie and the two warbands contain some of the rarest pets ingame. Prime xp? Not really, but well worth a visit if you have the western Gondor questpack.

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