Even Middle-earth has it’s touristy places with nearly everyone been to the Shire at some point or visited Minas Tirith. With the lapse of the free questpacks for everyone some places will fall by the wayside again. Here is your reminder why you’d still want to visit these questpacks or larger questing areas.
May be a weird place to start off as we all come through this area. Most hobbits will miss the area around Staddle and humans will stick to the east side and forego Brandy hills. As all race will get to level 20 you’ll go towards the Lonelands for your epic quests and never see Far Chetwood and Nen Harn. All areas mentioned are out of the way on your normal questing.
- Staddle – More cute hobbity quests
- Brandy hills and – Simple kill quest instead of getting lost in the Old forest (and a giant problem)
- Nen Harn – Views and a more evil encroaching feeling early on in the game
North Downs
An overlapping level range with Lone-lands and Evendim and the added bonus of not being free. Even people that have it usually forget some parts of it such as Field of Fornost or Dol dinen as the mobs lead into grouped content.
Why would you go there you’d say? It has a bit of everything. Each little quest hub has a different feeling with the west facing the evil of the undead or the east facing off with the forward forces of Angmar. Little towns with dwarfs and elfs. Farmers mixing it up with their own problems. Alternative quest zone if you get bored of the Lone lands and you want the complete Shadow of Angmar experience.
Speaking of which, you’ve curbed the enthusiasm of the orcs in Nen Harn. Defended Thestlebridge and took care of the dread coming from Fornost and Dol Dinen. Now it’s time to route the forces of Angmar in it’s homebase.
It’s large, dreary and filled to the brim with fellowship quests. However with time, classes have become better and you may find some challenge in these quests you might be missing in your leveling. Small fellowships can be done by most classes with some timing and persistence. Even 6-mans such as trolls of Maethad or Bloodwing. Elite bosses at the end of quests in Dun Coved or Imlad Balcorth can feel like epic fights as respawns give you a timer on your behind.
But most of all deeds, deeds and lotropoints. And a great finish line sprint towards the instances of Carn Dum and Urugarth. Finishing off the “expansion” Shadows of Angmar in its entirety.