This week we discussed Update 27.3 and our week in LOTRO.
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LOTRO Players News
Teriadwyn’s pick of the week: Travel Companion from Cosmetic LOTRO
New Player Question
Can anyone contribute to the LOTRO Players website? How do they do so?
- Got to badly and irresponsibly tank in a skirmish with the Academy with my champion. Because our actual tanks weren’t present at that point, I believe.
- Got Khelevorn ever closer to leaving Dunland. Shame it’s not likely to be how he’d prefer.
- Helped with part 1 of a science experiment regarding Barrow brie and long stable rides with Glompla.
- Ran the Abyss for the story and to gather pages for a book
- Participated in a Barrow-brie run, for science.
- Creeping ever closer to turning my back on Mordor (Gorgoroth Plateau) – finished the slayer deeds for the crafting instances, and the Scourges of Gorgoroth – still need a few things.
- Ran the first two instances of the Great Barrow with my baby Loremaster with the Rejects group
- Helped with a cheesy science experiment
- Learned how to fish for the Summer/Farmer’s Faire combined Festival
- Ran some dailies.
- Organized an Abyss run.
- Tested our Barrow-brie question from last week, and it only took around an hour to get us enough Barrow-brie for the test. See the highlight of our For Science! Barrow-brie vs. Stable Horse stream on the GrrlzOfMiddleEarth twitch channel for a visual of the results.
- Axli and friends continued through Dunland, helped rangers and did a quest I’ve never done before.
- Teriadwyn finished out the Bounty Hunter deed in the Wells of Langflood.
- Saryssa briefly visited the Treasure Hunt event… and got ANOTHER GOAT.
- My Anor warden finished up the quests in Kingfell and headed to Aldburg, where I fought orcs, boars, and an unstable server.
- Joined in an Abyss page run and also need Naerband to get my bookcase
- For Friday Night Fights (130 group), we ran The Battle in the Tower, The Perfect Picnic, and Stand at Amon Sul.
News Beyond LOTRO
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This week we did not receive any reviews.
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Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles
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Teriadwyn @Teriadwyn
Gwaerendes @Gwaerendes
Celebathien @Celebathien
Final Thoughts
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