Dwellers in Darkness Figure Pack Coming For The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth


FFG has announced in October the new figure pack will contain three new miniatures of the iconic villains from the Shadowed Paths campaign, the just-released expansion, which look for an unboxing coming very soon from us! and Haunting of Dale, a new downloadable campaign. The miniatures include the Supplicant of Morgoth, Ollie the Troll, and a figure of the mysterious and sinister shade from Haunting of Dale.



But wait, there is more! The pack will contain an additional copy of the Knife item with new upgrades, a new trinket in the form of the Silver Circlet, and three new titles.

MSRP will be $14.95.

One thought on “Dwellers in Darkness Figure Pack Coming For The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth”

  1. So figures for the previous expansion, a new story with some new items and no figures? Only at chapter 2 or 3 of the 1st one myself.

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