This week we discussed Update 27, Update 27.0.1, and our week in LOTRO.
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Game News
Store Sales
Summer Sales are now underway!
Get deep discounts every week in July! This week, get:
- 35% off Inventory Upgrades
- 50% off Deed Boosts
- 75% off Warsteed Colors
- Now through July 9th!
Double Bonus Points are back!
- Get twice the Bonus Points in the LOTRO Store through July 6th!
A Legendary Sale!
Get 20% off:
- Legendary Level Cap Increase
- Legendary Stat Upgrade
- Relic Packs
- Legacies, Legendary Slot Unlock, and Tier Upgrades
Get 50% off:
- Scrolls of Combination (50+) and Relic Removal Scrolls (level 50+)
- Now through July 9th!
Weekly Coupon
- Battle Potion of Restoration x5
- Coupon Code 5BATTLEREST
- Now through July 9th!
LOTRO Players News is brought to us by
LOTRO Players News
New Player Question
If an emote or other item is listed as “bound to account,” do they mean your character account or the whole account that contains that character and any others you play on that server?
- Rejects group ran around the Forsaken Inn and killed all the things
- Discovered glowing hoverboards in the Epic Questline (by getting stuck in a fall animation during an instance and eventually having to start it over…)
- Celebathien polished dwarf beards and went all the way north to find amethyst fireflies in Ered Luin for the wedding. Disturbing and mind-boggling. (Duillond/Celondim elves won’t send you to Lothlorien for handfasting mats, but bridezilla wedding planners in Minas Tirith will send you across the continent for fireflies…)
- Aragorn’s dismissal of his people’s dismay at his fiancee does not bode well. Especially given my character is saving his wedding to begin with. And what’s with the negativity during the ceremony, Mithrandir???
- Heistia ran madly into Mordor with Grrlz. After, we had races with treacherous holes involved.
- My favorite Midsummer quest is because of the reference its title contains. One phrase: OH VALLEY OF PLENTY!
- Walked Into Mordor? No, my level 50 hobbit burg RODE into Mordor
- Questing: Gwaer completed Filthwell and the Deep Barrows, then attended a wedding
- Deeds: Finished the Three Kingdoms Restoration Project, and went lava hopping with Bealdric, both today
- Attended a wedding.
- Tried to make it to level 50 without completing any Eriador deeds.
- My Burglar learned to play the flute.
- My main warden cleared some dust bunnies in Lyndelby and attended a wedding
- My Anor warden woke a very sleepy ent
- During Friday Night Fights, we ran Battle in the Tower and Ford of Bruinen. The latter allowed me to reach Ally for Rivendell.
News Beyond LOTRO
We currently have 14 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, Simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon. Your money is used for our podcast hosting, website hosting and the pay for our live shows.
If you wish to support us without joining Patreon, just send Drac an email
This week we did not receive any reviews.
Featured Comments
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Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles
Sanswinda @Sanswinda
Teriadwyn @Teriadwyn
Gwaerendes @KnittaShel
Celebathien @Celebathien
Final Thoughts
The Players Alliance LIVE Shows
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.Eastern – DDO Players News
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