Week 26 roundup U27, Bombadil and weddings

Week 26 roundup U27, Bombadil and weddings post thumbnail image

With freeps battling on Bombadil the month-long pvp/deed server. if you’re still looking for some frames the VIP server is still running for a few weeks. But the main reason for this weeks roundup is the news that the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen aka Update 27 is coming on tuesday (if all things line up.

Website highlights

Several new and helpfull websites popped up over the last few weeks

https://www.lotrobasics.com/The Goal of LOTRO Basics is to create simplistic and easy-to-follow guides, while also serving as a resource for external guides and information on the game.

https://lotrohq.com/ – The class builds presented here are for Level 130 players, which include the best gear options, trait trees, skill rotations and more!

https://ilovefriedorc.com/traits – Trait point planner

Lotroplayer highlights

Ian holmes Bilbo passes away at 88
Virtue guide
Free questpacks and cheap expansions live

Game News highlights

VIP townservices delayed till 27.1

The VIP town service buff wasnt ready (again) for next weeks U27 launch. It’s slated to be released in the next major subpatch 27.1.

Legacy of Durin Epic set for U28

Update 27 won’t contain the next chapter for Legacy of Durin. This will continue in Update 28 (Fall 2020).

Helms Deep and Rohan housing late July

The Helms deep and Rohan housing is still planned for a release in late july. Probably after the end of Aragorns wedding 23rd or 30th july.

Server transfers open, but not free

Bit of old news, but might as well pop it in. Transfers between live servers are back up with the normal restrictions and prices. With the added cost of 495 lp’s for a Shared-storage-only transfer to curb previous unwanted behaviour.

Closed Worlds transfers

Early july one of the steps needed to open up Closed worlds transfers planned. This will mean they will remain captured by Sauron for the foreseeable future.

Weapon swapping rumours squashed

In a rather amusing thread the rumour of in combat weapon swapping got stated to be false ;).

Update 27 – Wedding patch notes

Update 27: The Great wedding release June 30th and that is on Tuesday. The big Wedding between Aragorn and Arwen. This event will be in Minas Tirith.

Epic book, Volume V, Book 1. Also be a new Midsummer’s day festival till July 20th and this Festival will happen every year.

Stable Master in Middle earth will be able to bring you here (Midsummer only). At Thorins hall, Duillond, Bree-town and Party tree will have vector quest to non-epic festival quests.

Storied tale is a solo-able, story focussed alternative to epic battle. Is in addition to midsummer festival quests mentioned above. Can be rerun from reflecting pools or the different Helms Deep Cenric. Don’t want to do the big battles. Now you can skip the battle versions. What these entail presily is unknown atm. This won’t involve fixes for BB’s themselves or the loot bugs present.

Wedding themed gifts will be added to daily Hobbit gifts. Changings to Housing.

Class changes

Beorning – hearten ticks will be slowed, Bee swarm will be slightly boost, several tooltips fixed
Guardian – Flash of light base damage reduced, but can now get buffed by LI
Captain – Tooltip fix
Hunter – Fire skills benefit from fire bonuses
Loremaster – No morale cost for skills, Enfeeble fixed

Housing and kinship

Crafting facilities placeable in a wider variery of house and yard slots
Members of kinship can designate 1 house as primary residence. This will allow kinmembers to visit that house by the Social panel through direct teleportation.


Troph items no longer go into task carry-all, but instead classified as grey items.
Post-mordor travel skill item can now be destroyed
Small carry all tooltips and sort options

Legendary weapon

The main legacy of your DPS or Heal will now unlock 4 extra tiers. Of which 2 are free and 2 need a crystal per legendary weapon

Class trait points

With the new wedding quest 1 extra trait point is available. 96 points total can be earned of which 95 can be used.

Remorchant (raid) changes

Balance work for tier 4 and 5
Tier 3 barter and trade-in buffed to Ilvl 430
Seperate chest locks for Tier 3, 4 and 5 (previously shared)
Boss 2 morale, cooldown and damage lowered overall.

Etc points

Stablemasters looks are more diverse
Minas Tirith game performance fixed
Clear button on sound filter UI
Kinship panel rearranged for better use of space.


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