A lot of worldy events in this round up about news in lotro.
World transfers are (partly) open
Instead of waiting a few more months the server transfers have re-opened between existing worlds. Your characters on closed servers will still be stuck. These opened up with the same restrictions as before (No Eu <-> US transfers)
If memory serves the per character cost remains the same at 2500 lp’s. But to curb some ember cap and server hopping they added a 500 lp cost to a seperate shared storage transfer. All normal restrictions continue to apply, but Ithil to Anor has been made free to peek interest in perhaps a future consolidation.
Elf server wars
The first beta test for the first ever Freep world pvp in lotro has opened up on Bullroarer where it serves you with the same rules as the special Challenge server will be.
Once the earthquakes, cause by Tolkien rolling over underground so much, subsides we might find ourselves with a nice temporary server. For now the time to kill and lack of the barest of safezones the graveyards are developing new graveyards near archet.
Nameless coming to claim the upperworld
After part 2 of the secret event a new 3-man instance has been unlocked. A nameless imitating Durin has come with his posse to claim the Shadowed cave for himself.
Hunter buffs with U26.1
Two weeks ago the hunters got their buff to bring them up to respectable levels. Even yellow line has gotten to be playable in landscape now.
Vip carry-all till 31th of may (and later?)
The carry-all for any Vip that logs in is still active. Subscribe the game or log in on the server you want the carry-all on. You will get a box in your inventory which you can choose 1 medium sized carry-all.
Farmers faire not condensing
A few months back it was mentioned that SSG was looking into condensing the farmers faire and summer festival into 1 event. This to make room for Aragorns wedding in the Summer. On this weeks stream it was said that due to feedback it would most likely stay seperate, but not much new would be added to it in the future. Undetermined when or where the festival would return.