LOTRO Players News Episode 354: Invisible Ninja Frogs

This week we discussed Update 26 and our week in LOTRO.

Game News

LOTRO Update 26 Release Notes

LOTRO Beacon Issue 157


Store Sales

  • The Anniversary Event has arrived! Available through May 20th.
  • LOTRO Bonus Days bring you +25% Embers and Motes through April 26th!
  • Unlock Your Potential! Get 25% off:
    • Keys
    • Legacy Tier Upgrade
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    • Now through April 30th!
  • The Weekly Coupon gets you a free Universal Solvent with the Coupon Code SOLVME, now through April 30th!


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New Player Question

What’s the difference between a Third Age LI and a First Age LI, mechanically? Why do we want one over the other?





  • Saryssa failed to get the Treasure Horse AGAIN. Went on to finish up in Eastern Gondor and finally cross the river toward… still not Minas Tirith. South Ithilien is not a great place to be a burglar, but she did make it to Faramir’s Lookout.
  • Got some LM tips for my Valared LM from Finaor, so she’s all set for whenever she finally has to face on-level mobs.
  • Discovered that my warg can use her 8-year Gramsfoot Crackler from stealth. Shenanigans happened.



  • About 20 minutes after last week’s podcast ended, Morchandir (my burg) got the Treasure Laden Horse from the Treasure Hunt — and Teri’s Saryssa was there when it happened. Much fish-slapping occurred.
  • Khelevorn went strategically leaping to his doom and I proved I pilot mounts like a drunk even when sober.
  • Went through my first Roving Threat hunt on Khelevorn and wound up with my first First Age weapons. 



  • Mordor questing (Fun with Kinnies, Part 1)
  • Deeding, with a photo op
  • Fun with Kinnies, part 2



  • Led an impromptu Roving Threat hunt on Sunday and a planned Roving Threat hunt on Monday night. Rhunt says hi.
  • Killed red mobs in the Lone Lands with a group of low level Stout-axe RKs.
  • Did some running in the Moors. The keep overhauls are quite interesting. The fireworks are amazing.



  • Went skirmishing with a group on my level 120 Beorning for the first time
  • My level 66 champ is about to head into the Protectors of Thangulhad skirmish in the Epic Story (first time doing it!)
  • Ran on the Moors and had some laughs about the keep overhauls and the 8-year Gramsfoot Crackler fireworks (so many screenshots…). Also had some fun with warg emotes with some other wargs in Gramsfoot.



  • My Lore-Master returned to the Grey Mountains to learn how the dwarves have fared while I was away in the Morgul Vale.
  • My Anor warden dealt with numerous orcs in the Entwash Vale.
  • For the Friday Night Fights, we ran the Ford of Bruinen, Glinghant, and Haudh Valandil.


News Beyond LOTRO



We currently have 13 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, Simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon. Your money is used for our podcast hosting, website hosting and the pay for our live shows.


If you wish to support us without joining Patreon, just send Draculetta an email drac@lotroplayers.com




This week we did not receive any reviews.

Featured Comments



Glamborn of Landroval writes: (Spoiler Warning)



I’m sending this as potentially a spoiler for a quest in Update 26, but was so frustrated with it myself that I think it is worth reading out, but with a spoiler warning.


In this area you find the Pots that Goblin Sappers throw at you throughout the game, the ones that set you on fire. You pick it up and this is the quest text that you get for “Sundergrót: Mining Sappers”



“The old Dwarf-hold of Sundergrót lays in partial ruins next to the Floodfells. Its halls are now home to many goblins intruding upon the abandoned dwarf structure. You should dispose of the goblins’ mining sappers found in Sundergrót in order to protect the halls of this old structure from collapse.”



“The old Dwarf-hold of Sundergrót lays in partial ruins next to the Floodfells, its halls now home to many goblins.”



“Sundergrót can be found in the Floodfells.

You should dispose of mining sappers found in Sundergrót.”


You pick up the pot in an area infested with Goblins and you cannot attack them while carrying the pots, but they can and will attack you.  If you click on the Carrying Icon for the Pot, it states you have abandoned the item. If you keep the pot for long enough then it explodes, kills you and you get a trip to the Rez circle, and then at least 30 minutes of difficult fighting to get back to your current location.


This is what you actually need to do: The sapper pots are near wooden bridges, you need to pick up the pot and run to the middle of the wooden bridge, at which point they disappear and that is one down.


I’m hoping that SSG update the quest text in a patch, because you need to be psychic to work out what to do with these to complete the quest.


Hope everyone is keeping safe


Glamborn from Landroval


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Final Thoughts

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3 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 354: Invisible Ninja Frogs”

  1. Can confirm: Teriadwyn was VERY excited to be asked to return to the Beorninghús, and especially to be able to spend time with Grimbeorn and the rest of her favourite skin-changer friends. I will admit that this did surprise me, as I had been under the impression that Teriadwyn was not a fan of Beornings, but she did assure me that she is very much #DownToHangWithBears.

  2. LOL Just catching up on a few back episodes…Note: I am assuming that ‘Patron’ was a censored word due to the Tequila! Not the paying follower! (Pah-Trone). Tequila seems like an orc drink, not for hobbitses.. Hic!
    Cheers! Braag of Vilya

  3. Hey, still catching up with your podcast! I just read your comments on strafing for Brownings. It can actually be very useful for a tank, specifically because if you need to move in an instance which happens often, if you turn your back you can’t block, so strafing side to side allows you to move without losing your frontal block focus. Strafing side to side is also faster than just backing up, so easier to move out of puddles and so forth… Cheers!

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