The One Ring

Internal strife over Scouring delays Producer’s letter

Rumours have it that the delay of the yearly Producer’s letter, in which the SSG team details their expectations for content and changes for the upcoming 2020, has been delayed even further. While it has always been “ready when it will be” this years delays has been a hot topic.

At the player meet-up (Pax east) we got several details about the upcoming content, but any formal details would follow in the Producer’s letter once more details about the Mission scaling (end-game content for accessible to all players) had been finalized.

Rumours have been circling that a larger delay is quick upon us because of internal strife on how to handle Scouring of the Shire by Saruman and consorts. A few vocal developers want to take this opportunity to permanently change the landscape of the starting zones and beyond.

With the alternate content in Mordor Besieged we’ve seen that players aren’t as opposed to non-canon storyline as previously thought. This gives us a chance to introduce an overhaul to areas that have been fixed for over 13 years by that time. It won’t be a LotRO 2, but the idea behind it is to introduce a “What if scenario” in which evil had taken over the Shire and beyond. You’ll venture out to infamous plot points and conquer the world of Middle-earth again.

Other developers want to continue on the paths set. Something can be said that the growing level range is a problem for the game, but this isn’t the way to go about fixing it. There’s plenty of story to be told that won’t make Tolkien roll over in his grave.

This is a chance to return to famous lore places such as Weathertop, Carn Dum and Helm’s Deep. While slowly expanding LotRO without previous baggage like Epic Battles. A venture into the future for LotRO and take the best bits and bobs to create a LotRO 1.5.

Unnamed developer

What do you think? Is it a good idea to breath life into LotRO and keep the game going for another 13 years or is it blasphemy? Or is it that day of the year again?

4 thoughts on “Internal strife over Scouring delays Producer’s letter”

  1. Well, it is that day of the year again. Of course I want to see the game go on. I’m not a fanatic that it needs to keep strictly to the books but it should keep to the spirit of the story.

  2. If they want to do something not in cannon then go to lands only mentioned in the books. Then they could literally do whatever they want. Leave the established stuff alone.

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