Main hub for your Minas Morgul expansion questions. Last update 20th of March
- Walkthrough links
- Questing
- Gearing up before Minas Morgul
- Activities after 130
- Weekly and dailies for Reclamation of Minas Ithil
- Instance overview
- Loot overview
- Crafting guild
- Bullet point information
Instance guide links
Name | Link – Guide quality |
Harrowing of Minas Morgul | Lotrowiki – General tactic |
Shadowroost | Lotrowiki – General tactic |
Filth-well | Lotrowiki – General tactic |
Deep-Barrow | Lotrowiki – General tactic |
Black lore | Lotrowiki – Video playthrough Bosses switch every week |
House of lamentation | Lotrowiki – Video guide |
Fallen kings | Lotrowiki – Video playthrough |
Shelob | Lotrowiki – Text boss 1 Video Tier 1 playthrough |
Where to start Minas Morgul
The region will start at Gandalf in Beorns House in the Vales of the Anduin. You’re not required to have done the Black book chapters 1 to 10. And will be guided to a 45-60 minute interlude around the Vales
Two regions questguide
After you’ve done the interlude you be able to transport to a Second age Mordor for the region – Mordor Besieged (level 120-122). After this region you’ll be guided to the Morgul vale area middle and eastern part Rath Duath (123-124) where you’ll also discover 3 of the entrances to the new 3-mans.

When done here the Black book will guide you into Minas Morgul, but it’s best to first do the Cirith Ungol (Morgul north) area (125). Afterward you’ll venture into the city of Minas Morgul which works like Minas Tirith where you’ll fight you’re way 1 tier at a time. With the fellbeast roost southeast for the 4th instance entrance (126-128).
Finishing of the Black book and Epligue (if you finished chapter 1-10 before) there is a little quest hub in Morgul South that leads to House of lamentation. By this time you’ll have finished the quest deed required for the daily quests you’ll be close to 130.
Gear before entering Minas Morgul or avoiding the graveyard
Every class has their update and can dish out a decent chunk of damage. That said if you don’t have some form of level 120 gear you might find yourself at a graveyard. The mobs are a bit easier then Vales, but quite numerous.
If you have done the previous quest packs you shouldn’t have much trouble in the Mordor Besieged area, but if you haven’t you can check out for full details. Without these areas there will be no easy or quick fix to jump straight in.
Any of these armours will be replaced with the first quest rewards so don’t put too much time into these options.
Questing done
Once you’ve reached level 130 and/or finished the quest deeds the time to upgrade your gear starts. Depending on how far you want to go in higher difficulties or the raid offcourse. You can go a few ways at this time
- Finish of the questlines with the Reclamation of Minas Morgul (daily reputation quests inside instances)
- Craft your gear (Reclamation or crafter with said rep needed) using ithilharn shards or crafting component boxes
- Barter gear with Reclamation barterers
- Run duo or full size Minas Morgul instances for increasingly better gear.
- Barter gear with Embers
All above options will require you to run either the instances with or without daily quests. Or through alterior means like gold or lootboxes.
Dailies in Minas Morgul
Once you’ve done all the quest deeds in Minas Morgul you will have access to 13 dailies in specific instances and 3 dailies (Level 130) in any instance. There will be items in the instance to interact with and award reputation items for the Reclamation of Minas Ithil.
These can be used to get recipes or used for reputation (these unlock story quests like the Mordor allegiances).
Reclamation of Minas Ithil
For a full breakdown of what you unlock at each reputation tier visit the wiki. But at each “Trial” you will unlock a new story quest. At the 70.000 reputation you will get an extra quest to exchange 100 quest tokens for 500 embers. And at several point you unlock the normal or elite crafting recipes.
Weekly quests and tips
There are currently 4 weeklies available that give ember rewards these reset on thursdays. Each weekly rewards 500 embers, 1 ithil shard, 70 sigils and 3000 virtue experience unless otherwise stated.
- Complete any 10 dailies
- These can be done on any difficulty up to 8 levels below yours
- 3-man level 122 solo or duo (ashable loot)
- 6-man level 122 duo (no loot)
- Complete 4 instances
- Any instance (can even be repeated)
- Harrow/roost *2 for quickest run
- Harrow/Roost/Lamentation/Black lore for quickest instance + quest weekly
- Kill 8 roving threats
- Do a round of Nazgul (with or without Witch king) 9/8 kills
- Roaving threats in Minas Morgul itself count
- Exchange 100 sigils for 500 embers at the White company barterer

Instances overview
Currently there are 4 small fellowship, 3 fellowship and 1 raid to run within the Minas Morgul expansion. All beside Harrowing will require you to discover the entrance to be able to run these.
Name | Acronym | Size | Loot | Daily |
Harrowing | Harrow | 1,2,3 | 2 or 3 man | 2 |
Shadowroost | Roost | 1,2,3 | 2 or 3 man | 1 |
Filth-well | Filth | 1,2,3 | 2 or 3 man | 3 |
Deep-Barrow | Barrow | 1,2,3 | 2 or 3 man | 2 |
Black lore | BL | 1-2,6 | 6 man | 2 |
House of lam. | Lamentation | 1-2,6 | 6 man | 3 |
Fallen kings | Fallen/Kings | 6 | 6 man | 0 |
Harrow and Roost are considered the easiest instances, Barrow is in the middle with Filth being hardly run for dailies or loot. BL is shorter then Lamentation, but with bosses that vary every week. While Fallen kings is 1 boss fight. All 6-mans have fallen out of favour with the raid dropping similar loot.
Loot overview
Either by crafting, bartering or instance drops you can get jewelry or armour. At this time any scaled, big battle or non-Minas morgul instance gear is usually harder to get or worse then lowest gear in the expansion.
Crafted source | Item level | Quality | Needed |
Reclamation | 407 | Purple | 3 ithilharn shards |
Reclamation | 411 | Purple | 5 ithilharn shards |
Guild – normal | 412 | Teal | 10 crafting box |
Guild – elite | 420 | Teal | 12 crafting box |
The higher the difficulty the better then chance to get a better quality gear in general. You can get a purple on tier 1 (bonus) and on tier 5 (you’d want a teal). All item levels can roll with an extra 5 levels randomly.
Instance source | Item level | Quality | Essence slot |
Reclamation | 408 | Yellow | 0 |
Tier 1 (122) | 402 | Yellow | 0 |
Tier 1 (130) | 408 | Yellow | 0 |
Tier 2 | 410 | Purple | 0/1 |
Tier 3 | 414 | Purple | 0/1 |
Tier 4 | 418 | Teal | 1/2 |
Tier 5 | 419 | Teal | 1/2 |
Raid tier 1 | 426 | Teal | 1/2 |
Ember 2000 | 410 ? | Purple | 0/1 |
Ember 3500 | 417 | Teal | 1/2 |
For essences there are 5 different levels at the moment, but in general you will only use 3 different ones. Tier 1, 2 or 4.
Essences | Tier | Source | Materials |
Flickering | 1 | Drop | Free |
Sofly moonlit | 2 | Crafted | 1 Shard + 1 solvent |
Moonlit | 3 | Crafted | 2 Shard +2 solvents |
Warmy moonlit | 4 | Crafted | 1 Shard + 3 solvents |
Trigger | 4.5 | Crafted*1 | See note |
Skirmish | 5 | Event*2 | See note |
*1 – A critted Tier 4 becomes a Mystery box. Which when opened has a 12-14% chance to become a trigger essence (bonus effects)
*2 – Limited events can award a tier 5 essence such as Ill Omens or Thrang
Crafting guild (access and materials)
If you’ve a crafter that has already gotten westermet guild reputation you can use Minas Morgul recipes for easy 200k rep for easy access to teal item level 412/414 gear.
These can be gotten from the Minas Morgul camp or your local Guild leader. For the recipes themselves check the Improved recipe vendor.
Gear and jewelry require a Ithilad crafting material to craft these items. These come from instance drops or ashing instance gear (25% chance for 1 box)
If your vocation allows it. You can also visit a master of apprentice in a major hub to get access to a 2nd guild. The 200k easy rep will only work on the latest tier.
Bullet point information
- Newly added, complete any 10 task hand-in to complete a quest that gives a 100% crit item
- Reclamation reputation can be boosted with accelerators
- White company not recommended to use them on