This friday there was an SSG meet-up in which they spoiled the major outlines of 2020. Details probably over in the soon ‘tm developers letter.
For the full video and DDO news (and main source for this weeks info) head over to
Lotro timeline
- Next few weeks, Shelob’s raid
- Summer 2020 , Aragorn and Arwens wedding
- Festivities and activities surrounding it (dailies etc?)
- Update 26 and rest of 2020 – Orcs vs dwarves
- The legacy of Durin
- Trial of the Dwarves
- Fall 2020 – Helping the Durin storyline
- Part endgame content
- “Missions” scaling content for Durin storyline
- Spring 2021, Gundabad themed expansion
Rohan housing and mount display
Rohan housing is slated to be released when Helms deep is released on the legendary server (March + 4 months?). This will include stables to show off your mount.
QA tidbits
- Mist of the wilderlands Floodfell and northern lands and The war of the three peaks names for content updates.
- Scouring of the Shire not soon
- No server merges planned for Lotro
- New spring festival elk
- Short term anfallas scroll for max level changes
- LI revamp planned to be a socketed system instead of a remodel of the exisiting system.
Blues clues
- Crafting carry-alls coming and going into the store
- Lotro beacon round number 150
- No solo/duo version of Shelob raid
Community highlight
Andangs look at the non-lotro lotr timeline and how lotro could go for future updates.