[CC] Week 7quickview

[CC] Week 7quickview post thumbnail image

Lotro related events, smaller patches and other information for players.

Ill omens skirmish event

Some extra incentive to run all sorts of skirmishes. Cosmetics, pets and a new best essence (more later on). For a full guide check out http://dadislotroguides.com/u23-3-skirm-event-ill-omens/

Minimal effort event information

  • You can run the daily quests at 8 levels lower then yours to get the quest done.
    • Do this 12 times (once) for the essence reward
    • If 130, run it at 122 for example
  • For the tier 3 deed, you dont have finish the full skirmish
    • Can only be done once per character (ever)
  • You can only complete x-1 skirmish per day for autocomplete
    • Beneath the world (moria) 3 out 4 skirmishes
    • Rest, 4 out of 5 skirmishes

Legendary server rewards

  • The portrait frame is awarded account wide for reaching level 85
  • The Regal Horse-lords cloak is awarded account wide for finishing the Riders of rohan Epic
  • No idea about rewards for Hytbold, Wildermore or Wildermore kindred

(upcoming) essences of choice

Currently there are 3 Tier of essences available for level 130. With the skirmish event a “Tier 5” is available and with the upcoming raid Tier 4 will be released. Normally you’d upgrade the previous tier to the next with the same materials as the original craft. This will change with the tier 4 and tier 5 isn’t as big a jump as last year. Below some information for you to make your choice. Ithil shard will be rewarded from the weeklies at the same time Tier 4’s are released.

  • Tier 1 – Landscape drops – Free or trade
  • Tier 2 – Craftable – 1 solvent and 1 ithil shard
  • Tier 3 – Craftable – 2 solvents and 2 ithil shards
  • Tier 4 – Craftable – 3 solvents and 1 ithil shard or 4:4
  • Tier 5 – Skirmish – Limited event
TierExampleHow good (%)?

Essence overview

  • Best of the best (most effort)
    • Craft tier 3 for now, try to get as many skirmish essences as you can.
  • Cheapest (least effort)
    • Use Tier 1’s for most and fill in with Tier 2’s if you have too. Lots of instances can be completed with these.
    • Tier 2+ 6-mans and t3+ 3-mans and the raid will be hard to find a group for.
  • Middle of the road (good enough)
    • Use tier 1’s and tier 2’s when you got the slots, but dont invest into tier 3’s.
    • Wait for Tier 4’s if you have the extra lp’s or solvents. Ithil shards will become cheaper as well.
    • Do the skirmish event if you like it, but don’t spend too much time on it with 3+ characters.

Critted Tier 4 essences have been spotted, but their source has been heavily critized for the randomness in which you acquire them.

Blues Clues (SSG responses)

Rohan border lines are too close to questing area on Legendary

Rohan housing preview and delay

2020 roadmap/developers letter soon ‘tm

Non-lotroplayer highlight

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