Walk back and forth, then forth and back
Atop of Orthanc. Here I lack
All aid, all shelter. Here I walk
The confines of my prison. Talk
But with myself. What shall I do?
That Saruman had turned – who knew?
Betrayed us all, the Council White
In which his contributions might
Have done much good. He did oppose
The Dark Lord’s schemes – and yet, it shows
How dangerous researches are
Into the dark lore and grimoire
Of thaumaturgy and warped things:
Like Sauron’s vile power-rings!
The Rings of Power! Sauron’s lore!
How clear are things that had before
Long puzzled me! No! Not the first
Is Saruman seduced, who durst
Ally himself to Sauron’s power
That is returning at this hour.
Thus Gandalf paces under star
Watching below orcs armed for war
Assemble: orcs of the white hand
For Saruman, cover the land
Of Isengard, to soon invade
Rohan when ready all is made.
A wingbeat! Gwaihir now swoops by
On pinions hovering in the sky
Near Gandalf. Words the wizard spoke.
Before orc sentinels awoke
The wizard mounts and quickly flies
On Gwaihir’s shoulders through the skies
Leaving his prison far behind
To warn his friends, and then to find
Some means to counter what he could
And do all a Grey Wizard should.
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