For the full patchnotes view the topic on the Bullroarer forum here
What is Bullroarer/preview
This is lotro’s open beta server where you can preview, test and report bugs about major upcoming patches before they go live.
When is this preview?
- Bullroarer will remain open until Friday afternoon (01/10). Time subject to change.
- Bullroarer will return early next week.
New instances (2 6-mans and 1 other)
- Bar Nirnaeth, The Houses of Lamentation
- Thuringwath fortress
- Ost dunhothy gaunt-lords probably
- Ghashan-Kutot, The Halls of Black Lore
- Reclamation questline spoilers
- Laeryth?
- The Fallen Kings
- No idea, but not the raid? Doesn’t sound like something a Shelob has in it.
Gear, crafting and essences
- New gear can now be crafted by Tailors, Metalsmiths, Weaponsmiths, and Woodworkers.
- Craftable essence upgrades that require crafted base ones (yellow ones won’t)
- Item level bonuses for gear has been corrected for Minas Morgul Instance Tiers.
- 50 Sigils of Imlad Ithil can now be traded for one Relic of Minas Ithil.
- Three-person Instances now receive the solo version of the Scion mob effects.
- Housing neighborhood stable-master routes to other neighborhoods will now be properly discovered when you speak to a neighborhood stable-master.
- Defeating a Gauntman in the Gauntord instance now has a slight chance to drop a Tier 1 Reputation Relic.
- Barrow 3-man? Tier 1 rep relic = 1k rep?
For character copy and other tutorials check out the forum threads