


Osgiliath! Built in the days of yore.
The Citadel of Stars so named, before
Foul shadows came to dwell and prowl the street
Where once fair forms gathered to talk and greet
In Gondor’s days of strength, now long passed by –
For Mordor’s land is close, its power nigh.
Now all its houses, shops, bridges of stone:
Destroyed and broken. Evils once unknown
From Minas Morgul came, who all obey
The Dark Lord’s rule, falling under his sway.
High Gondor’s power in its fair Citadel
Dwindled away, until finally it fell
To lie in ruins. Though untainted stars
Still circle overhead – hard, bitter wars
Are waged between the Dark Lord and Gondor
Until one is vanquished to rise no more.

Osgiliath? Its stones in shadows lie
Like giant bones bleached underneath the sky,
Like arms that rust and then crumble away –
Osgiliath is abandoned to decay.

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